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Posts posted by QuestionTuesdayFTW

  1. Replaying The Sacrifice for the Somachord Fragments, I found two bugs.

    1. Only one Somachord fragment spawned which was in the first mission. It did not seem that the fragments spawned in any of the other missions.

    2. When entering the final confrontation with Umbra where you go in with only your operator, you will either be stuck in some sort of blue box, or in white space. It is impossible to finish the mission in this state.

  2. My friend and I did a Rescue Sortie once. We got put in a random group with a Limbo, and when I was almost done with the final console the Limbo used a Cataclysm and cancelled my hack. Needless to say that the both of us were very angry when we failed that mission. 

  3. According to the Wiki, Octavia's Anthem is a solo only quest.



    Octavia's Anthem is an optional solo-only quest introduced in Update: Octavia's Anthem. Source

    This is confirmed when I attempted the 3rd portion of the quest but was unable to due to being in a squad. However, during the last portion of the quest, which requires you to talk to Simaris before being able to enter, my friend typed in chat ./join QuestionTuesdayFTW and was able to join me in that final mission in the quest. I would like to confirm either that, yes, Octavia's Anthem is indeed solo only and that my friend shouldn't have been able to join me in that portion of the quest; or no, this was a bug.


    This really isn't a big deal as it was a mild annoyance. I could see people exploiting this on the last mission to mess with their friends. Also I put this here because it involved the ./join command, but if it doesn't go into this category I apologize in advance. Thanks for looking into this. 

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