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Posts posted by Flappyflap1

  1. The somachord fragments work just as cephalon fragments. Only one can spawn per game and you need to collect a certain amount to fill the song.

    (I think it is always 4 max scans).

    They use the same icon as cephalon fragments and you can have either a cephalon fragment or a somachord, can never have both in the same game.

    The somachord fragments appear as pieces of the mandachord (from the mission; Octavia's anthem). unknown.png

    Image of a somachord being scanned.

    Once you have collected all of the parts needed, you can play the songs that you have just unlocked: in your orbiter.

    With the somachord you can; go back to the song you just played, move to the next song, repeat the current song, change the volume and start/pause the current song. 

    The music will play all through out the orbiter. 


    Image of the somachord playing a song, with locked songs.

    (This song can be found on Lua incase anyone wanted to know).

    Hopes this helps

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