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Posts posted by WussyDan

  1. Is anyone else having an issue with Rosalind? In the "tower" vault, I can no longer get the chamber to flood. I know there are other ways to do it, of course, but shooting out the weak points in the pipes no longer floods the chamber.

  2. Just curious if I'm experiencing a persistent bug or if I missed an update. I play Frost pretty regularly for solo defense/mobile defense type missions, and suddenly am finding I'm taking damage through the globe from regular Lancers and Troopers, and that the globe almost acts as if it isn't there once it's under 60% health or so. According to the UI (and visually), the globe is still in existence with a pretty solid chunk of health when this happens. No augments or anything, just the regular Snowglobe power. Any thoughts?

  3. Actually, this may have been user error. There are two locations that look identical in the Spaceport, one in front of the massive tower, and one behind. The data-hash should be in the area behind the tower, not in front. I just found it, so either they fixed it, or I've just been looking in the wrong spot this entire time. Derp.

  4. Gonna bump this, hopefully, since I've done the whole "leave and come back," reload and come back," and even "exit game, restart computer and then game" several times over several days, to no avail. Spaceport data hash still won't spawn. All other hashes have spawned and been scanned.

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