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Posts posted by Fremenoc

  1. Yup, just happened to my party as well after finishing a T4 bounty. Multiple members said it wasn't the first time they'd had it today, either. Once in the elevator it did the loading lag, then loaded all the icons for Fortuna vendors but the map wasn't visible, and of course the door didn't open (and couldn't open door back to Orb Vallis). Mission timer was still ticking up. Other members alt-F4ed, when the host left it kicked me back to Fortuna with a mission failed screen.




  2. [Warning post Second Dreams spoiler mode in video]

    After failing one of the timed water pipe puzzles on the Grineer tileset and getting the water fills your screen reset, the water effect persisted. It kept me from being able to play. Sometimes spoiler mode would make it go away but not always. It lasted the entire remainder of the mission, until my teammates completed it (I would have had to abandon). It went away when the extraction animations started.

    Our pug teammate said it had happened to him earlier this evening, and he had to log out and back in to fix it.

    This was on the Uranus sabotage mission.

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