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Posts posted by Pirrian

  1. Hey, so... I've got a few gripes with this quest. Now, These complaints actually reach across the entirety of the game, so it's not like they're suddenly existent with all previous instances not counting. 


    First off, "Let's use Simaris Traps! That'll be fun!". Sure, if you're the kind of person that uses them already, is in that syndicate, or just lives on the Relay, I could see this being not a big issue. Not everyone plays every part of the game, or enjoys all of it. I personally don't like the capture mechanics, and therefore do not use simaris's stuff. What that means for me is that I get to load up a relay, go to Simaris, buy stuff, and then leave. Luckily I didn't run out, But as I was playing, I thought to myself, "If I happen to run out in the middle, I would have to do this entire mission again. AFTER being required to load the relay AGAIN, and get traps AGAIN." That entire situation is not enjoyable. Being required to interact with content you don't really care about- especially when it's optional content- Is not enjoyable. Being in a FAILED mission is horrible. And if it's because the Emotions just HAPPENED to bust out? Or it was not clear if it was leaving a message or this was actually the fight? Not a good thing to experience. 

    Secondly, I have come to despise being forced to use my operator. I get 100 Health. I have no regeneration. No Survival. And my current abilities are just not all that good. Now, even if you take away the negative penalties for dying, for taking damage... Guess what? It still sucks to Die. At best it is annoying and enjoyable, at worst I'm sitting here wondering why I'm playing this game, Why am I giving you money to experience this. Or my Time. Both of those could be spent doing something fun. 

    So make them fun. I don't care how, But This? This isn't.

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