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Posts posted by zirohs

  1. Indeed paying for a VPN only for Warframe to is pretty overkill. I'm already sending enough money in DEs direction for Prime Packs as it is.

    If Warframe becomes a "pay to play" for me, i rather just find something else.


    The rant out of the way, from talking to the support DE is 100% aware that this is problem. The Support also suggested that the best way to raise attention is to post on the Forums.

    That none of the Devs said anything about this topic so far (after the PSA from the 17.10) it really sounds like they are not able to say anything right now,

    be it because of Network Security, or third party agreements, etc.)


    So far i went through 20 different IPs (CAT Telecom Thailand), and they are all IP banned (Reset on Handshake).Nearly all of them are also blacklisted for either Spam or Bot Activity on Sites like MXToolbox.

    Trying to get around the Problem and the down sides of a VPN with some local Servers (Tunnelbear Enpoints in SEA) all ended in Updated Failed errors, which looks like they are blocked as well as HaVVocado suggested.


    From my understanding on the whole CDN concept the provider should protect the service from outages, not cause them. For Example the Github attack in May this year,

    where Akamai absorbed the Brunt of the force and kept Github reachable in parts.

    Maybe Highwinds/StackPath (DEs CDN provider for content.warframe.com) is not able to do the same technology wise,  or the Filters are reacting too strong to the increased traffic due to the Fortuna release.


    The best thing we can do I think is keep the topic alive publicly until either DE moves, or the problem goes away.

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