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Posts posted by Alaric_Kerensky

  1. As the title says, I am looking to buy rank 10/10 Transient Fortitude and Narrow Minded. I am not interested in 600 plat offers, for the fusion even at Rare they are not worth nearly that much. I will buy either for 400p, or best offer.


    I may be interested in rank 9s if no solid offers for a R10 come though. 


    Also interested in Primed Flow and Continuity.

  2. I had a hell of a time selecting the screenshot to use. Even when I got it narrowed down to my top 5, was hard pressed to choose a final one. I wanted to pick something from a perspective you never see, and although it is not perfect, I think it helps capture some of the awesomeness of Warframe: The sense of a team operating together, and the sheer cool of Space Ninjas.

    My selection:

    "The Rear Guard"


  3. It's true, Gestalt!

    I intentionally brought this up in our livestream yesterday, I asked the team:

    "Let's talk Grineer Seekers! This enemy type has split the player base, but I think the bigger issue is between creating challenges without frustration. How do you do that when designing enemies?"

    Our answer starts at: 34:28

    Thanks for the continued feedback!

    Any issue will split a playerbase to some degree. It is just human nature, and cannot be used as a guage of something being right.. However, in this case it is obvious that the VAST majority are taking the negative standpoint in this issue, myself included. I am known for carying lower level/skill players through some matches. In the event where I get Nervo'd (usually simultaneously with another guy or while trying to get to a guy to revive/de-nervo him) s*** just hits the fan and everybody dies. There is absolutley NO fun with Nervos, simply because there is no challenge with the enemy type, it is simply all frustration. Nothing like earlier tonight when a buddy got Nervo'd 5 meters in front of a Napalm and a supporting squad of Lancers. Napalm had him coated in fire making it nearly impossible to get close enough to revive with the added threat of the Lancers. I only barely saved him because I hapened to be running a Frame with an ungodly amount of shields and fortunately had my rank 30 Akboltos with me just in case stuff went really badly. I still ended up in low health regardless, and the other friend ended up going down as well. Sure enough, I got Nervo'd trying to revive him too, and even though someone shot it off me, I got Nervo'd again seconds later and killed, and the other two got cut down again. Players without gear comparible to mine would never have made it to the first guy to go down in the first place, and the fact that Nervos are an instant "Screw You Ninja" really detracts from the game. They desperately need a rework.

    Now if they provided some kind of de-buff, such as halving traits such as your speed, accuracy, and reload/melee speed would be much more interesting! It would cripple a player without completely removing any hope of saving themself with their own skill. To balance the de-buff, as stated before by others I feel the balls should have 1hp, turn much slower and they should be unable to hit a jumping player, allowing diving over them (does not currently work). If latched-on however, they should stay on for maybe 5 seconds, MAXIMUM 10, unless if a buddy shoots it off as is done now. (Although I find the whole "shoot it off" thing rather silly, as we are completely immune to each other's attacks despite getting filled with lead as teammates try to shoot the things off)

    Making Nervos actually challenging instead of an "I Win" button for the AI would actually improve the game. Please concider alternatives to their functionality.

  4. Grineer used to be the most fun to fight for me. Simply because it was basicly going ninja on space marines, and I loved it. I just got out of a match with 2 of my buddies on Ceres. We were CONSTANTLY hit by two stunners simultaneously, leaving one guy to try to free both of us when surrounded by no joke a couple dozen marines in a large room. Even when we DID manage to find a Seeker, anther one apparently spawned immediately because a minute later we were getting stunned again. We all lost multiple lives.

    I have absolutely no issue with the Seekers besides their electric balls. The explosive balls provide a fun new aspect that is counterable. That is fine and good. However, the electrocution takes ALL control away from a player, which does not force team cohesion, but eliminates all fun.

  5. Dude I kow this guys work dont post it up here its for his series hes working on ask for permission to post it up and dont use his work as the basis for your warframe idea.

    Artist Z-Brush thread-http://www.zbrushcen...ghlight=UltraVD

    Create your own idea for a warframe or become inspired by this and create one dont use his work to latch onto. I respect the artist work and hate it when people use it without even agknowleging the artist.

    Wow, a bit harsh? He never claimed it as his, just as something he saw on google that looked slightly related to Warframe. No need to flip out.

  6. I like play Online..but mostly i play with friends. With Friend group we dont use this skills.. we have more fun with difrent way,

    When i go play with random ppl im usualy find platers who stand on boxes and spaming 4th skills at every mob wave, it &!$$ed me off.. destroying whole co-op system and all teamplay.

    Im mad because i dont have this skills.. no i have Mag or Frost.. and its borring.. realy...no fun with this.

    My suggestion with Rebalance...

    Set Maximum numbers of dmged mobs..

    On Frost..

    Ususaly on this skills we get numbers around 10.. so i think 3th lvl of this skills max 15 mobs will be damaged... on rest mobs this skill just freez them for a little time. - this skill still be usefull and very helpfull in group and rest team can do something.


    Same.. 15 max numbers of dmg and the rest just CC.. clos in Air for a little.


    Im bored with all defense mission when Frost/Mage stand on boxes and spam 4th skill.. rest team are for nothing.. no fun..

    Im bored with ppl who speed run whole maps.. just to be as fast its possible to end it...

    Game need more challenge and more dificult scaling with more party members..

    How about You ppl..

    Pls rebalance spelling, OP grammar errors.

  7. The Vandal should never come back ever again. It's a Limited Edition Weapon and should stay that way. Otherwise it would lose all purpose and meaning. I had to sell my Akbolto for it.

    "You did WHAT!?!"

    Who could ever sell an Akbolto... Mine is beloved, the only handgun I trust to defend me in all situations. Those things have gotten me through some ridiculous S#&$...

    Also, the Braton Vandal is quite well balanced compared to the standard Braton. One has higher damage per shot, the other RoF. Choose your poison. Although I have not ranked my Vandal to 30 yet, my standard Braton eats nearly everything except for high armor targets for lunch and dinner. Still love my Boltor more though. =D

  8. I have not famred xini, but I have played quite a bit with loki, and when using an assualt rifle he runs out of ammo a lot. he has no offensive powers. all his damage is done with his weapons or melee. so if most of your damage is being done with your weapons it is pretty easy to run out.

    In my post, I said I was only using Radial Blind, which stuns targets but does 0 damage, simply buying me more time to gun down the Ancients. If you are running out of ammo on Xini, you either took the wrong weapon for the job, are shooting at the little guys when you should be meleeing them, or both. If you are using a Braton or Gorgon against Ancients, yes, you are probably going to run low on ammo. However with a Boltor you are bypassing armor and thus doing far more damage per shot, more DPS, and with radically higher ammo efficeincy. Bullet weapons (especially with puncture) are better for chargers and the other lemmings, bolt weapons for ancients and other armored targets.

    You will have to run Xini to really understand. Most of the time with the new ammo update there is plenty of ammunition to go around, but if you were using a Gorgon before ammo went universal you would be screwing the rest of your team on ammo.

  9. Is nobody going to point out that the damage stats are so unreliable as to be meaningless?

    It depends on the host connection. Slow connection=borked damage stats. I have gotten half the kills in 4 player matches a number of times, and killed nearly every heavy solo, and gotten 3% damage at the end. With decent hosts or hosting myself, I get between 45% - 75% of the damage. Only factor that makes a difference is whether the host is a toaster or not.

    I am kinda surprised people are having ammo problems on Xini. If that is the case you have either chosen the wrong gear or are spraying far too much. I run an Excalibur, and my buddy runs a Frost. We alternate using Avalanche/Radial Blind, and he is stationed around the pod killing anything that gets close with a Scindo, while I remain mobile and primary ancients with my Boltor. Only time I ran low on ammuntiotion was after a couple tough waves, and then we got hit by at least 20 ancients in the span of a minute. Most of our kills are melee, with the only shooting being done by me. Strategy takes a certain rythem and comunication, but it turned out effecive once we got the hang of it.

  10. I am so sick of my Gram always beeing purple, which makes me feel *meh* overall about the weapon because it clashes with my Frame's color and I do not like purple in the first place. It looks FANTASTIC with the red/orange I have picked out for it, but it always goes back to that damn purple. Unless if it bugs out and turns super bright white, or the rare occasion it is actually blue instead. I would love for this to be fixed ASAP so weapons can be seen in their full glory.

    Actually, with the patch today, each weapon has its own edit button which is used to switch skins for the Scindo and Dual Zoren. It would be awesome to have the option to tune the colors of each weapon separately through this option.

  11. I was going to make a thread for this is one did not already exist. Trading is something that could add a lot more community to the game, although I think the only things that should be traded are mods, and maybe materials. It would probably be a nice feature to have the ability to trade alternate helmet BPs and weapon BPs as well.

    First thing I want to respond to is this:

    As the game is right now....trading is pointless.

    Selling unwanted mods is already a great way of getting credits, even then, there is no money sink in this game yet, so even if you sell those unwatned mods/warframe blueprints... mods, blueprints and mats you want is all there is to buy. Blueprints may take time to drop, but there should be something for us to work on, other than Ranks, same goes for mats.

    Warframe just isn't ready for an econmy yet, honestly, I don't think it should have a trading system.

    When I think of trade, I am not thinking trading mods for credits. That is redundant with the ability to sell them back to the game. Nobody ever really mentioned an economy, I just want to be able to take a great mod I have no use for, and trade it to a buddy who would love to use it.

    For example, I am not really much of a Gorgon fan. The Braton fits my playstile better. However, I have a friend in my Clan who loves using his Gorgon. While going through Eris the other day, I got a Lvl 30 'Gorgon' Mod that offers 98.4% Multishot. A great mod, no doubt, but unlikely I will use it, or at least anytime soon. My buddy on the other hand is basically drooling over it. I would love to trade it to him, but there is no way to do this. While I do not want a trading system to be game-breaking, I feel it would add some sense of community if we could trade mods to better suit playstyles and preferences, or even to use as gifts to friends. I would love to be able to take a rare mod and give it to a friend as a little birthday present or something.

  12. I am simply baffled by the arrogance of some people.

    We all love this game. So you would expect that we all want it to continue to improve and endure. That does NOT happen for free on the developer's part. Those guys have families to feed, and the company has bills to pay to keep this game live. Sure, you can play the game for free, but then you are NOT SUPPORTING it. I had no problem throwing $50 in to help support development and get me a few fun toys to use in the game.

    If you are so selfish that you really want to avoid supporting the game in any way while still playing it, then deal with the difficulty of getting premium content. You have done absolutely nothing in return for the devs, and they are still providing you with an awesome experiance, and are even allowing you to eventually get premium stuff such as Orokin Catalysts, as rare as they might be (as they should be!). Warframe and weapon slots, alternate helmets, superchargers, and expanded paint options are all there to make some money to keep the game in development. Respect that fact. Not everything should be free. Just be happy the game is PvE and you do not have to fight against guys with supercharged frames.

    If you still disagree with me, then feel free to complain more. That is all it is. If you want a truly free game, go outside, find a stick, and play army with a buddy. I do not mean to sound harsh, but that is as close to really being free as you are going to get.

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