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Posts posted by (XBOX)FutNoBoi

  1. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)dursereg said:

    Other then kuva i don't grind. I play for fun.

    After you get to mastery rank 15 grind slows down but it’s always there it’s the basis of warframe I mean if you get to mr15 all items are available so it’s more your pace but for newer players that’s what the game thrives on plus primes and new warframes. Warframe is the definition of a grind game but I’m not saying fun ain’t there just saying you were complaining about the basis of the game.

  2. On 10/29/2017 at 7:26 PM, (PS4)dursereg said:

    Notice right next to my name it says ps4. As for not playing. I currently have 3304 hours played. 

    So your saying my curent 3 mastered focus schools will still have all the focus points to be mastered in 3 schools? According pc players I won't have enough points to be mastered in a single school.

    ALLLLLSO did you not realize the reason they have responded to the main issue with the focus trees for grinder type people they finished the skill trees and were annoyed because they had no reason for them to do anything after like trust me if it ain’t to your liking my good sir than pleasantly piss off. I tried to make that nice 

  3. On 10/29/2017 at 7:26 PM, (PS4)dursereg said:

    Notice right next to my name it says ps4. As for not playing. I currently have 3304 hours played. 

    So your saying my curent 3 mastered focus schools will still have all the focus points to be mastered in 3 schools? According pc players I won't have enough points to be mastered in a single school.

    But your complaint what about grind WARFRAME IS ENDLESS GRIND IF YOU HAVENT RELIZED THERE BUD!

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