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Posts posted by kendo451

  1. I found the original source of the Kavat.  It's the Narmer Palette, dating roughly 2140 BC.   This has the oldest depiction of the Egyptian Sphinx before the original lion face fell off and they replaced it with the face of Kafre.

    The original sphinx was a lion, which had a pole in its back holding up lotus flowers.  The lotus flowers looked exactly like the tail of the kavat in Warframe.

    Coincidence or is Warframe channeling the Sphinx?



  2. Aura mods are said to apply to other warframes in your "cell", which I presume means the same as a "squad".

    There are certain missions where NPCs are temporarily added to your squad.  These include:

    • Rescue (Hostage)
    • Mobile Defense (informant)
    • Syndicate Missions (two NPC assistants)

    Additionally, there are NPCs that the players can equip with their warframes on any mission:

    • Companions (Carrier, Kubrow, Kavat, etc)
    • Summoned Support (Vapor Spectre, Clem, Moa, Roller, Etc)

    My question is: Do Aura effects apply to any NPCs in the players squad?

    I searched on it extensively but have not found an answer in the wikis or the forums.


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