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(XBOX)Legion Fury F

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Legion Fury F

  1. 46 minutes ago, binarymind said:

    I was playing the Exploiter Orb boss fight, when my screen went completely black, and red text started to scroll by. It said something about the grinner and "A new menace is apporaching" (Everyone else in my squad also got this message"

    "Something Echos-" Echo necessarily means old or its a noise from a distance that has traveled... i believe it speaks of the sentients. A menace. 

    predicting their return as the echo thru "The "New War" Update. dont look it up if you haven't finished the Umbra quest! DONT SPOIL YOURSELVES

    enjoy your game! AND DONT LOSE HOPE

  2. Hi! If there's anything I'd like to do is be a helping hand to people and make sure the community is fairly equal. I've noticed how New players are bashed constantly and see there's no action on this. I wish to be able to lend a hand to those who are new and be able to Guide everyone through a safe and equal community. mind on any tips on getting Digital Extremes attention? might as well get a megaphone and say "hello!" on their front door XD

    Thank-you and have a great night!

    Never Lose Hope

    -Legion Fury F

  3. soooo just an update, i got my rewards, i spoke to one of the DEs and they were helpful and able to tell me what was wrong on my end, i  just simply forgot to link my mixer account on both ends c: 

    so all in all, was just my mistake, they said that theres nothing they can do and cant send the rewards buuuut once i linked my account on the other side i got the rewards later XP sooo i hope this helps ya all, (Link mixer account on BOTH sides (warframe's and mixer's)) STAY STRONG AND NEVER LOSE HOPE, SEND ME A MESSAGE IF YOU NEED SOME ASSISTANCE IN THE GAME :D

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