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Posts posted by Seox

  1. Too much laser and high pitched pew pew without anything that has a crisp bang. For an example of a gun that sounds really nice and punchy, look at the buzlok. Too many guns that look like the imperator sound like the imperator.


    I posted a thread on this forever ago as well - it's totally a lost opportunity to make something as mundane as shooting your gun feel really visceral.

  2. Anyone who thinks most of these are power creep is actually fairly confused. Most of them require very specific conditions, like headshots (which with some weapons where it would be most op, isn't as easy to keep up as it sounds). 


    And others, the ones that people think are really super op like Body Count and Blood Rush... do people not realize how much time it takes to get the melee combo counter to a point that it is truly OP? It took me well over 20 minutes of nonstop killing on T4S just to get combo counter up to 4x and it gets three times as long to get each combo multiplier level after that, and then three times as much for the next etc. 


    And if you spend the better part of a 60-80+ minute survival getting an absurd combo counter and then you make a mistake and die... well... good luck with that. Requires a lot of setup and work, but can be really effective if you build it up right. In my opinion these are the kinds of mods we needed all along. Not direct power creep, not utility that is super niche or mostly a bandaid. No, we finally have mods that can give us really powerful results, but only if we can take the time to build it up, or keep up conditions like constant headshots. This is the direction they should have gone long ago. 


    Sure, the melee combo counter mods are great examples of mods with a real situational choice. I like those a lot on paper and enjoy them opening up new options. Some of the "on headshot" or "on kill" mods, though...they look straight out worse than elementals, barring the ember example that Roboplus mentioned.



    Weapons with 20% or higher crit chance and  2.0x or higher crit damage are designed for crit builds. There are few outliers like latron prime which has only 15% crit but a 2.5x multiplier or attica which has 20% crit chance but only a 1.5x multiplier.


    take lex prime for example:


    your proposed build



    replacing two elements with the regular crit mods



    now with primed crit mods



    the difference is exponential.


    Oh wow, ok - the lex build I'm using atm is a two element build with three utility mods (mostly fire rate) - if you swap the two elements for the primed crit mods on that build, you lose damage. Looks like there's a certain point where the crit pushes the damage to the moon, but before that it isn't worth it. 

  3. On paper DPS assumes perfect conditions. Every shot lands, every shot hits, every shot reacts the exact same way. In the game, hits can miss, enemies can move, you can be CC'd. These new mods are situational and promote playstyles. They're not OP, they're strong.


    A miss affects both builds equally - so do enemies moving, being CCed, etc. I don't see how paper dps != in game DPS here QQ Examples like the ammo consumption make sense, but each of these things also affect both build types, yeah?

  4. I'd replace the weaker combo element with crits mods, not just one element. Otherwise you are only half-assing the crit build.

    I looked at this as well, and when I replaced two elements with two crit mods, I lost even more damage. Can you give me an example of a weapon where swapping two elements for two crit mods improves the net damage? Is this the kind of thing that only one or two weapons benefit from, or a whole category of weapons with certain stats?



    Pushing power creep? I must not be seeing the same posts as yourself.


    They work as skillful, situational, sidegrades to existing mods. Depending on preferences, they also allow you to forgo a rainbow build for similar damage output, but without the third or fourth elemental you didn't really want or care for. It just had the highest damage.



    It seems like we're agreeing - I'm not seeing a clear upgrade at all. As a matter of fact, it was quite a bit lower in overall damage for the weapons I messed around with. I just wanna know where this is coming from

  5. Hello all,


    I'm seeing a lot of threads suggesting that the new mods are pushing power creep, but my average weapon looks something like this:


    1. Hornet strike

    2. Barrel diffusion

    3. Lethal torrent

    4. Fire

    5. Ice

    6. Lightning

    7. Poison

    8. <Whatever else, QOL mod>


    Without dropping the QOL mod, every weapon I've played with on warframe builders has lost significant damage by swapping in one of the new mods, even on weapons like the lex that play crit builds well. I'm not seeing how these mods can compete with rainbow builds - I would really prefer the new situational mods but can't justify 'em when they're also lower damage and dps. What am I missing?

  6. I surely hope it's a bug that the damage is so low. I only tested it in Sortie missions so far and I deal 5-35 damage to enemies, taking away about 5mm to 1,5 cm hp in total. No matter which enemy, no matter where. Even if it's the only frggin enemy left in the area the damage won't increase. - To me the Focus stuff seems very, very endgame. The rather long cooldown is a big pointer at that; within those 3 Minutes cooldown you have finished most non-endless-missions. So if the damage output on Madurai is intentionally so weak then I sure hope the passives are very, very, powerful (which I kinda doubt) - or I'll just leave that school behind and go to one of the actually useful ones.


    Right, I'm pretty worried that it'll be in the same boat as frames that rely completely on damage. I hope it's not the case that only CC and utility matters in content that really scales hard, but that seemed to be the case from yesterday's sortie.

  7. Heya all,


    I was doing the sorties today with some buddies and got to the level 90-120 infested defense and noticed something really weird.


    Sometimes when I hit enemies with the madurai focus they explode in less than a second and I do a ton of damage, but sometimes when I try using it on the same enemies that exploded instantly only seconds ago trickle HP down until I've used my entire focus on a charger to do only half its health.


    I'm not sure if one of the infested enemies or eximus are increasing the defense of other infested and it's stacking, or if some other shenanigans are going on, but I wanna know so I can work around it.


    Outside of enemies that I know I've seen blow up when I hit them with this, some enemies are so hardy that I don't do much damage, period, and my gun does way more. Is madurai gonna be a bad focus on heavily scaled content where you actually need the boost?



  8. This isn't a simple issue, and I recognize that:


    I'm not a huge fan of the changes. Sure, players participated in rep farms, but that was their choice, and for every player that ground out rep, there were probably several more that just played the game and enjoyed the missions while gaining rep. What's more, because the max cap hasn't actually gone down, once you gain the syndicate mission rep, you're back to grinding if that's your bag. Then again, the players who only have time to run a few missions probably benefit from the increased rep rewards from syndicate missions.


    My big beef is that syndicate missions aren't actually all that different from regular missions, so the change feels arbitrary and reduces my freedom to gain rep the way that I want. The net result is more shoehorning and less choice when I feel like grinding it out or just playing the game at my own pace, and I'm not convinced that's a good thing.


    Sure, they can diversify the missions later, but all I have to judge right now is what's in game.



  9. I'm concerned that their taking all of this time to closet develop archwing has created two separate games. Even you're suggesting they make two different types of events. We've already got two different types of tenno reinforcement - It feels like the inclusion of archwing has meant that all the efforts to develop the game are gonna go down the middle, and that doesn't make me happy.

  10. Any chance we can get this looked at again? Warframe's got a beautiful aesthetic, and I hate seeing the hard work that went into Rhino's look muffled by the current patchy iron skin. I'm sure that finding the time to comment on this would go a long way toward reassuring Rhino players that they'll get to appreciate Rhino's look as it was intended to be.

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