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Posts posted by tcww

  1. Maybe they changed it from before... I haven't used the glaive for months. From what I recall, when I throw it at an enemy it bounces straight back, and when I aim it around their legs or at a wall or something it always hits at most one target before bouncing uselessly around. Maybe you guys are just really good at aiming...?


    I get the interpretation this guy has no idea what he's talking about in almost every way.


    Lets start with the most on topic fact that the glaive can hit more then one enemy in a single throw, when facing multiple enemys I often get more then a single kill when targeting a group of enemys.


    Pretty much everything else you said is also wrong.


    Okay tell me your reasoning. It's pretty rude and unjustified to say someone's wrong without explaining anything. So we just have to take your word for it? Let me say here then that without hearing your reasoning, you have no idea what you're talking about. Everything you said is wrong.

  2. Currently, Warframe is really nothing more than just a grindfest, but with slightly more enjoyable gameplay than most MMOs. To address this issue, DE can introduce variation into the gameplay to make it deeper and more interesting - e.g. different enemy types and better AI. Another way to do this would be to vary how you can kill enemies. However the recent additions like Nova (another AOE spammer) and Vasto (Lex skin wooo) seem to indicate that such ideas are not even being considered...


    Which brings us to the Glaive. It adds a whole different level of gameplay as good positioning can be rewarded - instead of standing on a box and holding left click, you can run around while shooting and have the glaive hit enemies when it is released as well as when it is returning (this also feels really good when you manage to pull it off). BUT THE GLAIVE CAN ONLY HIT 1 TARGET!!! This combined with the long animation and travel time makes its DPS really really low, and thus nobody can even consider it a viable alternative to any other weapon... 


    If Glaive is changed so that it penetrates targets and can hit e.g. a maximum of 3 targets, I believe it'll be a first step towards making Warframe a better game. Plus - the change is so easy to implement that it'll probably fit in half a hotfix.

  3. For those who are unhappy about the low drop rates (me included), the situation won't improve... and here's why.


    Remember the threads popping up a few months back, where people complained that the game was too short, that they had nothing left to do, no 'endgame' etc... Well this is DE's answer - artificially lengthening the game by increasing the grinding and farming. 


    I still remember fondly the 'bugged' update 9 drop rates, where I actually looked forward to playing and getting my items without farming for a week. A PvE game is not meant to have unlimited playtime, unless the DLCs keep getting churned out. But I guess the longer the game is, no matter how boring or fruitless, the more likely people will pay for platinum...

  4. The more 'options' there are, the harder it is for someone to try and get all the parts for one weapon. From what you've listed, an 'even' chance for each part might be like 3%. Do you understand how low that is? Have you calculated how many runs on average one would need to complete a set of parts and bp? Not only that, but you want to add resource and mod drops as well, further diluting the drops...


    When getting a tier 3 key itself is already a bit of a lottery draw (~3%), no one will be bothered to try and farm for prime parts because it'll probably be more rewarding to try win the lottery WITHOUT buying a ticket. What the game needs is concentrated drop tables, not diluted ones...

  5. I think they could look to increase the drop rate of Orokin Cells seeing as its used to craft so many things now, not to mention the 10 orokin cells needed for a Prime weapon.


    You might say that a prime weapon should be hard to get, but the blueprints and parts alone are difficult enough. Seems like too much fuss for a slightly better weapon, if at all.

  6. I'm glad people are understanding and discussing the issue. It's interesting what Ashnal mentioned, about the nature of different games. I've mentioned this before, but I think this is a fundamental difference between PvP and PvE games. In PvP its about winning, and in PvE its about the slot machine (even though ur mainly getting items, not gold per se). For Warframe, I think the PvE content has some fun gameplay aspects, but should really be grounded in the grinding (no pun intended lol). 


    The token system is interesting, but I would warn against a system that directly pits your time/games played to the rewards. In Psychology, grinding is something known as 'reinforcement', where your behavior is rewarded and thus leads to more of such behavior. Research has been done on different reinforcement or reward schedules and how that affects rat lever presses (in our case we play warframe). A variable ratio (VR) schedule (i.e. slot machines) has been shown to induce the most lever pressing (in our case more warframe playing) and the least reinforcement is shown for a fixed interval schedule (i.e. coffee shop stamps cards). More info can be found on the wikipedia page on reinforcement.


    Of course, its hard to classify what schedule the system will become if it has the grind + the token system, because it may as well combine into a nice VR schedule that makes us play more. But I think the splitting of the drop table to increase individual drop rates might work just fine. 


    Yeah, you're probably right about the sales thing... I just hope the game will be fun for the non-payers as well.

  7. This is a great idea. I don't know why they didn't make rare mods/drops/bp have distinct visual features, but sound is also an important factor in the whole experience. Cryoframe warning will also  be insanely useful.


    I don't even know how these elementary things are overlooked. You might have to wait a couple months at least for these improvements, if they're gonna happen at all...

  8. Yeah I agree, the balance between work and reward for this game is definitely OUT OF WHACK.


    I'm not sure if DE understands how randomness is supposed to be used. It just seems like they threw a bunch of rewards into a bowl, divided them evenly, and then considered that the end of the design process...


    Right now I think the problem with the reward randomness isn't its existence, but its implementation. Let's say I want to get a certain prime weapon. First I have to grind the defense missions for the void keys. Problem is, there's simply no way of targeting the new void mission keys, since all the keys drop at a measly 2% each.... This means that after painstakingly grinding for the keys, I still have to grind for the parts which are not guaranteed drops either. An analogy would be buying lots of scratchies, and then realising that you only win lottery tickets from them. 


    There's a very very simple way to fix this... just divide the drop tables up so that on different maps the chances of getting the key or mod you want is at least 10-15%. This would work for resource drops as well by increasing rare drops on higher levels or nightmare levels even. This would also help make certain maps memorable, and then you'd hear about places other than Xini or Kiste... wouldn't that be nice?

  9. The glaive is pretty fun to use, but rather underpowered. It rarely hits more than 1 target and the bounces aren't the most predictable. Rather than adding another rare mod with a 1% drop rate, I think it'll be on par with other weapons if you make it penetrating up to 2 targets, with the glaive bouncing back off of the 3rd target...


    Otherwise its just crap...

  10. began reading only paragraph beginnings after "two rank 30 warframes".


    Dude(it's justified here), you have a hunter founders pack, spent $20 more and have 2, TWO, warframes on 30 and you're complaining about replay value.

    How on earth is it possible that you have only 2, TWO, warframes after spending $60 on platinum. Srsly, that's over 1,7k platinum. That's enough for 5 warframes and potatoing them, not to mention you get one for free.


    Lol carpal tunnel. If it's such an issue here, then all those secretaries should be suing their companies for hazardous working conditions.

    Let's not mention Diablo 3 and Counter Strike, oh oh and DotA,LoL,HoN,SC,SC2 etc. Those kids should be so ill right now it's not even fathomable.


    My advice: Roll up the window covers, open your window, take a deep breath, check the weather, put on adequate attire and go for a walk.

    In short, take a break.


    Your argument about Diablo 3, CS, Dota, LoL, HoN, SC, and SC2 makes absolutely no sense at all. Warframe is the only game where you have to repeatedly hold down the wasd movement keys (and jump/crouch keys as well if you like going faster) and also the mouse keys for firing since there's so many enemies to take down. In Diablo 3, mouse handles both movement and attacking, whilst spells are just periodically used by the left hand. In CS, you hardly hold the trigger for more than 2 seconds due to recoil, and there are also a lot of opportunities for camping and strategy rather than in warframe where you just want to keep going forward. In MOBA games, again mouse handles movement and auto-attacking, and rarely do you ever have to spam spells with your left hand or have to hold wasd keys. And finally while RTS games do utilise the mouse a lot, but the left-hand is spared, only used for shortcuts and control group functions. 


    Please don't ridicule the carpel tunnel issue as Warframe does seem to be a very clicking/finger-intensive game... 

  11. I understand what you're going through. I also have around 100+ hours in Warframe but have played less and less ever since.

    I'd say that you were 'lucky' in finding your ideal loadout, because grinding to unlock gear is a big part of the 'content' of this game, and I've made numerous mistakes in finding out what the best set of gear for me is. So that kinda increased the playability of the game for me because I had to take a lot of time in grinding for mats to build the things and then leveling it to 'full potential'. One could argue that this is a rather artificial way of increasing the amount of content in the game - by making the acquiring of gear a much bigger deal than its effects on gameplay and possible synergistic interaction with game elements.

    Additionally, the mod revamp in 7.0 removed the possiblity for 'rolls' in mods, and that definitely blunted the notion of 'end-game' in Warframe. Farming for better rolls is inherently more rewarding than the current system which is more akin to a 'grind' to power up your mods (in Psychology its called Ratio Interval Reinforcement under Conditioning). I still remember the joys of checking out if my mods were gonna be better than my current ones, and especially when I get blue mods with wicked combinations. And the tears overflowed when +39 Loot Radar popped up...

    And finally, I agree with what Xevious mentioned. There are numerous fixes but Warframe is still inherently an MMO. The endgame component will not be as strong as other games you may be used to that are heavily focused on PVP.

  12. No idea what you were on about, but I saw the words end-game somewhere...

    There's nothing stopping them from making level 69 Areas on THE MOON and ushering all the veteran whiners to that colony. They could probably throw that in at the next hot-fix...

  13. If you look at Warframe from the perspective of traditional MMO lenses, then Warframe is going to seem like a really S#&$ty MMO. Point is, Warframe should be a skill based shooter first and a grind game second. There should be progression, but ultimately, progression should come from the skill of the player.

    In a tradtional MMO, progression comes from time. A person who can sink more hours into World of Warcraft per week WILL end up stronger than someone who can't. That's something Warframe should avoid. The difference between a newbie and a veteran shouldn't be in the length of time played but the amount of skill learned.

    There are plenty of free to play shooters, such as Team Fortress 2, or semi-paid shooters, like Left for Dead 2, in which players can progress in skill without resorting to farming.

    I don't agree with the comparisons. TF2 is a PvP game at heart, so skill comes relative to other players. As for L4D, there is no way to farm, so you can't "resort" to farming because its non-existent. But this RPG element exists in Warframe, and I daresay is a larger component of Warframe than the fps part, irrespective of what your ideal vision of Warframe is.

    But you have raised a good point about the nature of this game. Is it an MMORPG, or is it an FPS? Currently, Warframe is heavily geared towards being an MMORPG. In a duel between a level 1 excalibur frame with no frame or weapon mods vs. a level 30 rhino frame with max frame and weapon mods and maxed sentinel, the odds are stacked against the lvl 1 frame.

    The current state of 'imbalance' between frames and weapons add novelty and flavor to Warframe - there aren't that many space-ninja-shooting games around. But that perk definitely hinders any PvP that the creators might try to develop... Nonetheless, I think its a lot less clear-cut whether Warframe is an MMO with FPS elements, or a 'skill-based' FPS with MMO and RPG elements (which doesn't make it as 'skill-based' as you would seem to want it to be).

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