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Posts posted by (PSN)Reapenstein

  1. 48 minutes ago, Tarak said:

    Here's the math:

    At base the Operator has 100 energy, and a void dash costs 25 energy.

    Void Flow increases your energy by 90% to 190, allowing about seven uses (175 energy plus about 5 energy from the drain of void mode).

    Lightning Dash adds 10 energy per cast of Void dash, meaning 35 energy per use, meaning five dashes is that same 175 energy.

    Any downtime between uses will reduce energy enough to prevent the final use though, due to the constant drain of Void Mode.


    Thus, if you leave Lightning Dash on, and turn off Void Flow you'll see you can only dash twice.

    Didn’t see this till I turned it off, but thanks.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Tarak said:

    No, they only have to be activated in your active school (the one you're using). If you have the dash abilities active in the school though each dash will consume extra energy.

    I have no idea why I can’t get 7, because that’s how I had it.

  3. 7 minutes ago, -VM-Fawxco said:

    Did you activate the unbound nodes? (If they are grey in another focus tree they aren't active, if they are red they are)

    Wait, let me get this right, they have to activated in the school they came from too? And not just in the Zenurik school I used?

  4. 1 minute ago, -VM-Fawxco said:

    That's strange, does it always happen? Because the first time you go into your operator the energy pool is lower. Once you went in operator mode once the energy regenerates and it will get to it's max and you should be able to dash 7 times

    It’s always been 4, friends I play with do the 7. A’s I said, void siphon, void flow, mind sprint, eternal gaze and inner gaze are all maxed and unbound.

  5. 1 minute ago, -VM-Fawxco said:

    Void flow gives your operator more energy, making you able to do more dashes (7 when it is maxed)

    I read that and this is the thing I’m not getting. Mines maxed and unbound. Can’t get past 4.

  6. Hi all first post so go easy on me.

    I main Zenurik and have void siphon, void flow, mind sprint, eternal gaze and inner gaze unbound. I seem only to get 4 void dashes in before I have to regen, whilst I see people go far further whilst using Zenurik and the same unbounds, apparently. I’m I doing something wrong? How can people cover large distances? 

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