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Posts posted by (XBOX)Hulkksmash

  1. No ...  

    Hollywood would turn Loki into a gender fluid black girl that is overcoming racial diversity while going to an intergalactic 9th grade and getting hazed by the "mean girls" banshee, mirage, ember all while catching the eye of a blue haired lesbian rhino with problems at home




  2. Personally ... hell yes. I am so glad i bought it and use the items constantly. Unlike a skin for a single frame its stuff that every frame can use. Your ship and kubrow (especially helminth) looks absolutely amazing with the armor. 

  3. You realize they are working on legislation to stop loot boxes. They won't be around for long because it will prevent them from being exposed to minors. This will result in removal entirely, because that's their specific audience. 

    They have already been banned in a few countries too. 

    Fleshed out digital stores is most likely where the market will go (like WF). 

  4. Warframe lost to a @(*()$ hero shooter .... a hero shooter. Whats so ongoing and ever changing. What a @(*()$ joke.

    Destiny 2 gets nominated for art direction ... LOLOLOL. Warframe art direction has always been totally different than everyone else, and copy paste reskin destiny 2 gets nominated.

    Warframe put all those winners to shame. S#&$ was rigged

  5. Lots of people say Anthem is going to steal Destinys thunder or has potential to kill it (which games rarely get killed by other games). 

    Personally ... I think Anthem is more direct competition to Warframe. EA Will F*** it up, but curious if we should be concerned. 

    I can see them stealing so many ideas from Warframe and pushing it out to all the Cod type players or the "bro community". 

    Anthem's Javelin's are basically same as frames

    What you guys think? Good ... bad? 

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