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Posts posted by General_Democles

  1. you have 2 choice: 

    Option 1 :

    *uninstall warframe

    * delete warframe folder from steam/steamapps/common/warframe

    * reinstall warframe


    Option 2 :

    * Uninstall warframe

    * delete warframe folder

    * download other games like Dota 2 and enjoy stress free gaming.

    Im just about so close to option 2 because this bug isn't new and devs aren't responding either so i think it's going to take a few years to get this fixed and i don't wana download the whole game again and again. so yea IM DONE!!!

  2. 3 minutes ago, Rum_Bakats said:

    I doubt that all the 38millions accounts togheter just logged in today for endless kuva or whatever...you know how many packets you need to kill a server?

    you never know unless you keep count of the amount of players gained. I'm telling this by experience, used to play an android game and they host events every Christmas, Halloween, Easter. etc. and it is at this time the server crash often because all those inactive accounts log in cuz its the best time to earn piles of gold. Still don't believe me? the name of the game is arcane legends check it out. 1 thing warframe should adopt from arcane legends is the build in consignment shop where players can sell(list with their price until someone buys it) or buy from the game itself.

  3. Just now, Rum_Bakats said:

    Now....Who the hell could want to DDOS a server of a great,succesful, almost FULL PVE FREE TO PLAY GAME?

    Mmm...let me think...mmm

    I doubt it's a DDOS attack lol.. i mean this problem starts soon as Baro emerge, so im more convinced its trafffic overloading and DE server couldn't handle the traffic. I bet a lot of spiders crawl out of their coffin to farm some endless kuva or say hi to Baro. looks like its about time DE upgrades their server lel

  4. 11 minutes ago, [DE]Helen said:

    Hi everyone,

    Rebecca posted on the forums last weekend about server troubles we experienced that were DDoS related. Some of you might also have noticed a brief connectivity issue today. Like the previous server troubles, today’s issue was DDoS related (at least we think), but for now, we are in the clear!

    As you know, to make up for lost time, we are giving free Boosters to everyone whose Boosters were affected by the original DDoS connectivity issue.

    The free Boosters are live now on all platforms! Login to receive your free 3-Day Boosters in an Inbox Message. The Boosters will match whatever type of Booster was active on your account during the DDoS issue.

    Thank you for your patience as we resolved the issue last weekend. We hope you enjoy these free Boosters!



    Oh man... trouble is brewing again. Stay tuned as we work to maintain connectivity!

    I didn't receive the previous booster so i bought a new booster again today for the endless kuva. So my question is will this booster stack with the gift from DE or you'll lose the booster if you've 7 days booster or more on?

  5. 1 minute ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I think the problem with that is as someone said earlier in this topic.  The way we exit survival missions tend to trap those who want or might need to exit earlier.  It's not a problem have because I solo the hell out of everything.  But this is a real issue for others and cause issues in public missions.  

    yea i can see that but rarely people insist on playing longer if a team request for extraction. Eitherway not scaling the rewards isn't the solution for this. I think giving the option to extract instead of abort mission when you are in the extraction zone seems like the best solution. I really want the rewards to scale because it just doesn't make sense when you're fighting tougher enemies for the same rewards and if i have 60 minutes to play i want the 60 minutes to be efficient as it can be at best.

  6. are these people jealous of those players who are willing to run longer endurance runs if they want more kuva? I mean if they don't want to be forced or run endurance runs why not just go for normal siphons? :facepalm: if kuva won't scale enemies level shouldn't scale too, problem solved(but not the best). the best if scaling rewards with the enemies simple as that.

  7. So here we are again just when i bought a new 3 days booster to farm the endless kuva. My luck is starting to convince me that this DDOS is targeting me because i don't buy booster until i realize boosters double your kuva and it was painful farming without one. When i bought my first booster DDOS attack happened after 1 days of peaceful farm. After things cool off i was waiting for DE to compensate boosters as they announce they will but i never got the inbox so with the release of endless kuva i was too hyped to restrain myself from buying boosters so i bought one today and after 2 hours of farming... "your account hasn't been recharged" message pops up. was thinking spacemom is trying to sent me a gift so i log out and tried to log in again. turns out it was a server crash lmao.

  8. On 3/27/2018 at 2:15 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Booster Plan information!

    I thought DE forgot about the boosters so i bought a new booster.. so if we have 7 days booster on right now. are we going to lose those 3 days booster? or will it stack with the 7 days booster?

  9. The addiction is real.. with the warframe server down i feel so restless and incomplete. :sad: I uninstalled all games ever since i started playing warframe. right about now my only solace is going through the forums and fan arts. Good luck in fixing team DE.

  10. Thank you space mom. I can't play during the day and I have a resource booster just to farm some kuva. I really hope it will be paused or better yet extend 1 day extra boost because by the time it is fixed i might not be available to play again :)

  11. 1 hour ago, kgabor said:

    Why not both?

    The only problem with Trinity is that the frame only really shines at clutch situations.

    Your teammates are dying and f.ex. the enemy mobs are scaled to the point they would oneshot the extractor? You just cast Bless+Link and wipe the map with your melee.

    Mot? You cast Bless every 30 seconds and kill like normal while keeping a team of paper frames alive, it's inconvenient but it's possible.

    I would like some tweaks to Trinity too btw., like extending Link's duration or changing WoL to something useful, like something that gives a bit of both power strength, overheal and armor (scaling on power strength)to make Trinity's kit complete.

    why not both? because the other frames are much more efficient and fun for a particular role.

    and im not saying Trinity should be kept on basement she does best in some situation Im just saying she can be really boring when you find yourself useless being a support.

    the tweaks I'd like about her are:

    # passive: immune to energy drain (when those leech eximus starts spawning you know you're just a squishy shell running around)

    # well of life: strips off enemy hp by the % of hp loss your team has at the moment of cast and disperse it to the team healing them back to full hp. give it a blood effect like *skoosh* blood flows out of enemy, trinity consumes it, process it and disperse it to her team mates and herself. that would be visually satisfying as heck also giving her a little bit more offense ability.

    # energy vampire: ofcourse no target required to cast but force her into animation for like 2 or 3 seconds like harrow covenant.

    I know a lot of people will say its broken but lets give Trinity some love and shine and see more Trinity in PUBs. such an amazing frame forgotten by most because her gameplay is boring. My first prime was ash because bladestorm is one of the most visually appealing skill and next was Trinity because i love support role but my hype went down from 100 to 0 real quick when i found out you don't need her at all in most gameplays and soon forgot about her. Now i mostly play valkyr moded with hunter adrenaline and i can easily wipe the room with my zaw polearm and maiming riven with range. but i got tired of it and now i want to experience a different playstyle with different frames and for that i need more trinity in my team. we can get this done with or without Trinity its just that it will be more fun and efficient with her around. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, kgabor said:

    Trinity isn't even necessarily mainly a support frame.

    You can build Trinity for survivability, some duration, some power strength and a lot of range+Arcane Guardian, equip Galatine Prime and it's an excellent melee-tank frame that can also support when it's needed.

    It's not about feeling useful but about possibly being the most contributing team member in both dps and team support at the same time.

    If i want to be an aggressive melee frame I'd rather pick valkyr or volt, for survivability and healing team I'd pick Inaros. But the only skills which other frames can't compete with Trinity is the energy vampire and blessing. Not everyone has energy refil pack, zenurik, arcane energize, etc. so yea I'd rather have her as a support frame so nobody runs out of energy around her or die. Some people like me just loves the supporting role. So it would be great if energy vampire is an instant cast aoe just like blessing. and i know there's an abating link + castanas build to be more aggressive but who like to aim at the ground to kill right? lel it would be even more boring than saryn molt spam. No offense, just my opinion.

  13. 14 hours ago, motorfirebox said:

    Trinity. Puts me to sleep. 2, 3, 4. 2, 4. 2, 4. 2, 4. 2, 4.

    my thoughts exactly lmao.. i mean she doesn't have a single offensive skill which can be really really boring when team mates don't make use of your presence. i spam my skills whenever appropriate when trinity is around making them feel useful + enjoying myself but when i pick trinity nobody ever does that.. it just makes your gameplay boring and useless.

  14. I just realized my C drive was almost full so i track down the culprit and it was warframe. It took up 43.9 GB (47,167,211,018 bytes) from my C drive and im just wondering if this is intended or probably a faulty download causing this because I remember an incident where my warframe won't launch because of #corrupted download #retry loop and i had to launch the game from launcher which make me download the whole update again. Long story short, is there a tool to check if i don't have duplicate updates installed? I really hope uninstall and reinstall the game won't be the only option.

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