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(XBOX)Fluffy Pants946

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Fluffy Pants946

  1. This does it while in the foundry, chat, or anything that involves moving between screens with RB or LB.


    As an example, while in chat (Alliance Chat) if I tap RB it should go to region chat, but it jumps the one next to it to Recruiting Chat. It eventually gets to Trade Chat.

    In the foundry, It starts at the ALL tab, jumps in progress to Ready to Build, jumps Warframes to Primary. Again jumping to every other one. If I use the cursor I can select the one that was skipped otherwise tap LB/RB till I get there eventually.

  2. During a match in Hydron, Sedna. My Adarza went down, when I went to revive him the little things were above his head and there was no option to revive him for quite some time. Of course right after I did revive him, all the enemies disappeared and the match just stallled. I had to dashboard, and then rejoin my group.  I lost all the XP I had earned prior to the disconnect.

  3. I completed a bounty, and the door was open to go back into the city. It was just black. If I walk in, I fall and end up at the landing point of the city.

    I fast traveled to a vendor and then went to a door, when it opened it was black emptiness. 

    I have to go back to my ship and return for it to go back to normal.

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