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Posts posted by Gramzacx

  1. Since last update, it isn't possible to hide the belt part of the weapon anymore, even with the option in the appearance menu.

    Btw, beam is still stucked where you fired it last time if sometimes you get knocked down or even just knocked back. Happens very often in orb vallis, in every mission to be honest. It is very annoying and has been reported several times in the last 6 months but no one seems to care about it and it starts to be very disappointing for someone using this weapon as his main, like me.

    Vids of this bug have already been posted.

    Pls do something about these bugs, it's been too long now and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard to fix this.

  2. https://youtu.be/hrEDIwyz_eA

    This bug occurs when knocked down while firing but also in other situations.

    Changed my wf build  to avoid being knocked down but as seen at the beginning of the vid, the bug still occurs in other cases.

    Synoid gammacor is my main weapon and this is an old problem, already reported several months ago by other players. 

    Will something be done to fix this?

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