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Posts posted by ExorcistEX

  1. I have on some occasions gotten lost loot back by submitting a ticket, yes. 


    I'd recommend sending another ticket. Write about your problems in clear, simple sentences so its easier for support to understand.

    Screenshots to show proof of error can help, of course.

    I have done that, see those imges in OP but they have showed how they handle it. This time, even I submit another ticket I reckon they will give a similar respond again as all evidence I got on hand is just EE.log and a few screenshots. I submitted similar ticket few months ago and they also give this type of respond.


    So, if you guys successfully got your stuff back. What evidence you have sent to them?

  2. Been on a mission earlier last month, got a reward that we want and so we finished that round. However, I am the only one that failed the mission...Went to DE support and proivded as much info as I could. (inc. EE.log and a few screenshots)









    18days passed. They never respond until I sent another message to them. Here is DE support's respond.


    My question is has anyone actually got their stuff back after submitted a support ticket? Reason for asking is that I just had the same problem AGAIN (Boltor Prime Bp) and I don't know should I submit another ticket or not ,as they most likely wont give it back to me. If no one has ever got it back their stuff from support then I wont submit another ticket ever again. This will save me the time to gether all the infomtion and waiting time. And they dont have to waste their time to respond.

  3. To answer a few.


    -Not all of your friends are always online.

    -Clan member is on different time zone, only can play with them at late night on weekday or wait til weekend.


    So I have to either take 1-2 or all 3 from the recruit channel in most of the cases.


    The problem is you cant really judge the player by their frame/weapon while you are in the lobby. As I said, I have met quite a few rank 5+ player that can play better than rank 10+ player. So I wont judge the player until we are ingame. (of course, if your weapon is those starter weapon than I am sorry I dont think you can handle T3 in higher level enemy)


    Dont want to be an a-hole to abort mission but I will do it when I met both non-teamwork and non-effective frame/weapon player in the same game...which is happen a lot lately...


    The conclave points arent telling much tbh. You have high points if your frame/weapon setup is good. I think we need some kind of honor points for each Tower mission. Or some kind of rating combine with the successful rate and ingame skills. etc.


    Getting random player to join T3 mission is like a gambling tbh.

  4. .... and this is why DE should add rooms where people can host and choose which kinds of people can be let in...



    not everyone is fortunate enough to have clan members on and when you gotta grind through the nitty gritty, I rather not deal with rank 0 Loki brats honestly....


    IF regular FPS games can have room settings, why can't we?


    I'd put settings like:


    One item must be rank 30. CHECK!

    Must be at least mastery rank 5. CHECK!

    Warframes/weapons must have potatoes. CHECK!

    Must also have a tower key and each person will have a 1/4 chance to lose the key upon completing the mission! (THIS will definitely stop the moral hazard problem on the Recruiting Channel.)

    All I want is a kick system for host before starting the game...

  5. if anyone wants to rank-up/level-up their weapons they must form a group with friends. not join other people unable to do anything. i think players shouldnt be allowed to do t3 missions at all if their weapons are a lower rank then the hosts!

    I met quite a few good player with low rank frame/weapon. They know when to use their abilities to help and they know they have to defense the pod while they are in Defense mission!


    Thats why I said

    Bottom line is, please stick to the other players in T3S and please stay with the pod in T3D if your frame/weapon is not good enough.


    And please at least bring 1 good and effective weapon for against enemy after 40mins/30waves

  6. My problem is that 7/10 of the games I hosted are filled with these non-teamwork or player without effective frame/weapon for high level enemy...


    T3D - running all around the map except defending the pod or camping the far door alone. etc


    T3S - active the air supply at 70-80%...not stick together after 40mins. etc


    I can forgive door hero as long as he can handle the enemy after waves 30.

    I can play with those who wont fall down easily after 40mins in T3S.


    But currently, many of these types of player arent capable to do so after waves 30/40mins...reason is they bring new frame/weapon to join!


    I understand that T3 D/S is one of the best place to ranking up frame and weapon but come on! I already stated that I want to go waves 30+ or 40mins+ before I inviting. When I asked them to change frame/weapon and most of their replies are "Trust me, I am good" but in fact many of them cant handle 25+waves / 30+mins...


    Bottom line is, please stick to the other players in T3S and please stay with the pod in T3D if your frame/weapon is not good enough.


    And please at least bring 1 good and effective weapon for against enemy after 40mins/30waves.


    Another thing that make me really mad is that after melee 2.0, many player going to do melee to high level enemy...which their frame/weapon arent capable to do so...resulting we have to revive them in the hot battle. And I can say that I saw at least 10 different player try to melee Stalker/G3/Harvester...All 10 dead of course...I want to say is that please look at your frame and weapon before melee your enemy. This is another topic so I will stop here.

  7. If my memory is correct then this new weapon is suppose to be shooting freze ray (this gun looks like the freeze ray gun from the concept art.)...but it doesnt as now it is shooting electric...so i assume the freeze ray gun got cancelled...and from the wiki...it is a complete beast...

  8. actually...if you have the right set up for the frame and weapon. Most of the frame can handle T3 def/sur without any problem even in high waves/level.


    What I did is to look at the the weapon that he carried. If he has decent weapon than I dont really mind what frame he is using as I assume he knows what he gonna do.


    Hoever, there have 1 frame I really hate...Ash. Whenever I saw people using it the first thing I think of "oh another lonewolf player" reason for saying that is I met quite a lot of Ash player are lonewolf player...


    Nova is kinda giving me a mixed feeling as most of the time those Nova user arent friendly...Its like mad kiddo telling you to do stuffs etc. No respect or whatsoever. Tell them wait a bit before using Mprime, tell them no to camp the door etc...and they mostly reply with unfriendly messages.

  9. T3 defense, a door hero Frost camp at the door (the one far away from pod)


    He camped there and so no globe around the pod. It would be fine until 33 level. We still able to hold it but he couldnt. He had to keep deploying globe half way back to the pod...and he refused to come to the pod...we arent that nicely at that point as we asked him since wave 15. He then calling us b***hes and disconnected himself...and we left at 35


    Not to mention lots of non team work player come back as U13 + Easter holiday is the perfect timing to come back.

  10. Digital Extremes should do more than post on Facebook for an issue this serious

    reason is that the server (or networ) for the forum is actually the same one as the game..so if the game have problem than the forum is more likely to have some issue as well. The best way to announce problems/issues are from the 3rd party channel such as FB and Twitter as the chance for both channel having issues at the same time is nearly impossible...

  11. Started playing this game today and not impressed by the technical side, haven't completed any missions because disconnecting from the game.


    Is it always this bad or what seems to be the problem?

    problem is this is the Easter time and U13 is just released, so there have lots of people coming back or new people joining. However, their server is not capable for so many traffic at the same time...so this casused all these connection issues... i think...

  12. Forma reactor

    -Build require

    --Forma reactor bp (Tower reward?)

    --Forma*2 (actual forma, not forma bp)

    --Orokin Cell*10

    --250,000 Credits

    --48hrs build time


    -60 plat from the market (consider that forma is selling 20plat each...2*20 + 20 from that reactor...)




    This allow you to add a polarise slot to your frame/weapon without reseting the level back to 0.

  13. So...you want to play a free game with more options to get ingame money (plat in this case) for free without paying real money?


    there already have a way, its called Trading.


    Spend a few hours to gather a prime frame or weapons. Sell it. Profit.


    Like myself, spent 5 hours to get that Boltor prime...sold it for X amount of plat...


    or just simply selling your event mod (f you have any)


    Free plat as a login reward is not a good option imo. Play a very difficult mission for plat reward is not an option either, as people may abuse it. (afk...low level player without useful mod and weapons...etc...)

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