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Posts posted by Billybobdole

  1. You can only build 100 rooms in your dojo. I just discovered this today, and I'm really disappointed because I had such great ideas floating in my head, now I won't be able to fulfill them. Why is this even a thing? To limit data that gets stored on servers? Makes me wonder why the "capacity" stat is even a thing, pretty pointless stat to have if there is a straight up room limit.qxQJoyN.jpgwKiYyVe.jpg

    I have over 700 capacity yet I cant build anything because I have no "capacity". I would love for a way to raise this limit, I looked at the wiki and there's nothing on raising it. Can we expect any changes regarding this at some point in the future, or will I be waiting for nothing? ~From an enthusiastic decorator

  2. Was just about to do a post about this. I have been experiencing this issue for a long time and it's still hasn't been addressed. All the above problems, Happens completely at random. I can play for several hours before encountering this, sometimes hourly, even happening back to back within minutes. I also think all the quitting I've done before and after trades because of this "infinite loading screen" has caused me to be restricted from trading. Still waiting confirmation on a ticket. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who has this problem.

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