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Posts posted by _R1zzy_

  1. I know there's been a ton of Limbo overhaul ideas, but I think mine is by far the least bs and it certainly wouldn't annoy anybody. My idea is to turn Limbo into an energy management frame, not dimension management. So let's go over his abilities and the main augment:

    1 - Opens a 4-like rift that transfers enemies and frames within it to another dimension. The rift damages enemies over time and can be closed at any time at will by the Limbo. Players do not take or deal damage to enemies outside the rift.

    2 - Slows down enemies within the rift, dealing cold damage.

    3 - Increases damage dealt to enemies within the rift.

    4 - Causes an explosion within the rift like the current 4 ability that deals a lot of damage.

    Roll no longer makes you or anyone go to another dimension. The animation is still there, so that's cool, I guess.

    Haven augment heals 25% of frame's total health upon entering the rift.

    That's pretty much all to it. The point is to make his 1 great when you use it with combo, for instance 1, 2 and 3 to dps the boss without him attacking you back or 1, 4 to clear a ton of ads at the same time.

    Now please don't kill me, Limbo mains or people who don't want to hear the word "Limbo" what-so-ever. He just needs a rework at least similar to this so he's less or no longer annoying and more helpful instead. The new Limbo would benefit from energy builds, btw.

    Peace! <3

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