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(XBOX)ruleX Radikal

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Posts posted by (XBOX)ruleX Radikal

  1. Am 2.2.2018 um 19:52 schrieb (Xbox One)Tawnie8747:

    I don't think Twitch support can help in this case, but at least you contacted them and ruled that out.

    I'm sure DE is aware of the issue.

    nope, they also dont care about it:


    They dont care.

    Same with Twitch Support, they also dont care about it.

    Got 4 Automatic Responses in a Row...

    Prime Member?! Whatever...


    Twitch Drops are just Scam - 1 Starter Drop and then the BIG Middlefinger from both Companies...


    Lucky enough, it was only the testing Month, i would never pay real Money for this Scam.

    Btw. WF Support Answer:


    [DE]Allen1. Februar 2018 07:06

    Hello ruleX Radikal,

    We are sorry that you missed out on this opportunity. Sometimes when multiple partners / companies are involved we are limited with the type of support we can offer.

    While we can’t add the promotional item to your account for this event, don't fret as there will be more exciting opportunities in the future! Please keep an eye on the website and the forums for announcements, events and giveaways!

    Keep your head up Tenno and happy hunting!



  2. They dont care.

    Same with Twitch Support, they also dont care about it.

    Got 4 Automatic Responses in a Row...

    Prime Member?! Whatever...


    Twitch Drops are just Scam - 1 Starter Drop and then the BIG Middlefinger from both Companies...


    Lucky enough, it was only the testing Month, i would never pay real Money for this Scam.

    Btw. WF Support Answer:


    [DE]Allen1. Februar 2018 07:06

    Hello ruleX Radikal,

    We are sorry that you missed out on this opportunity. Sometimes when multiple partners / companies are involved we are limited with the type of support we can offer.

    While we can’t add the promotional item to your account for this event, don't fret as there will be more exciting opportunities in the future! Please keep an eye on the website and the forums for announcements, events and giveaways!

    Keep your head up Tenno and happy hunting!


    In other Words: They dont care...

  3. Am 26.1.2018 um 19:51 schrieb (Xbox One)Tawnie8747:

    Hello fellow Tenno,

    It occurred to me that ever since the Game Awards on December 7th, my twitch drops have been bugged. it seems other Xbox users and PS4 users have the same issue (Feel free to chime in PC users if this affects you too). Let's politely and calmly let our voices be heard so DE can properly look into the issue. Please give as much information as possible to help DE narrow down the cause. Let them know if you did or did not get your drops.

    I don't expect DE to hand out anything. For all we know, the problem could be on Twitch's end. But I would like to find a solution so the problem doesn't persist in the future. If this continues, those who miss out may become disgruntled.

    Check Here and make sure your Twitch account is indeed linked. Even though it says something about linking for PC, it applies to Xbox and PS4 as well.

    Here's my information:

    * I play on Xbox One in America


    * I always watch Twitch streams on my laptop

    * I received the Broca Promincence Syandana and Cetus Wisp

    * During the Game Show Awards on December 7th, I did NOT receive the Winter Solstice Syandana, however, I received three from watching a stream from Warframe partner DKDiamantes

    * I did NOT receive the twitch drop from the last prime time (dev stream?) of 2017. I think the reward was some winter-themed glyphs? I had some confusion because I received gifts from the Lotus in my inbox, but they were from the Tennobaum rewards tier and not part of the twitch drops.

    * I did NOT receive an exilus adapter. I can't remember if it was a dev stream or prime time, but it was Rebecca Ford's 2nd attempt at sending the adapters via Twitch. I didn't have an account the first time she made that attempt (I hear it bugged out the first time and some people ended up with a bunch of "tomatoes")

    *For last night's Prime Time, (Jan. 25th) I did NOT receive the display Megan and Rebecca spoke of.

    *Lastly, I have unlinked and re-linked my Twitch account before last night's stream, and once again after the stream.


    Crossing my fingers for an easy fix. Maybe those sneaky Grineer messed with the API, or Clem got tangled in the wires!

    I look forward to today's Dev Stream.



    Nearly same happened to me, last Drops i got, was over Xmas...,

    then it magically doesnt work anymore.


    I wrote Twitch Support, just to get an automated Answer as Prime-Member(!!!).

    I was informed to answer again, if i need more detailed Help.

    I did it.

    Never got an Answer yet, after nearly 2 Weeks.

    Still dont have my Drops.


    I just decided to stopping my Prime Membership, wrote to Twitch Support to inform them about it and also why...

    Disrespect of Prime Member.

    Thats my Opinion.


    Next Step is, i.ll write WF Support.


    What a BS...

  4. Am 18.1.2018 um 09:16 schrieb (PS4)TONI__RIBEIRO:

    The reason is to make you get the resources yourself.

    doesnt make sense.

    if i build things out of blueprints i found, i have to use own ressources for it.

    so atleast, i have to get the bp, the ress, the credits and last but important the time...

    this means alot more effort on this specific example


    so again, why isnt it tradeable, if i put more effort into it and playtime?

  5. Melee:
    - Weapon-Sets of Elbow & Knee Blades, Spikes, whatever
    - Weapon-Sets of Forearm & Shin Blades, Spikes, whatever
    - Two Chains, each on his own, in every Hand with several different Styles of Attachements to it
    - More Big Swords, more Swords..

    - Boomerang-Style Weapons
    - Weapons with Rebound-/Bounce-Projectiles like Discs, Ninja-Stars, etc.pp
    - Bigger Pistols! Its a Shame that the hard-hitting Pistols in WF looks like Toys! Something mixed between Desert Eagle & Angstrum, but a Pistol...

    I would like to see those Melee-ones:


    Weapon-Sets for Elbows & Knees

    like Blades, Spikes whatever

    Weapon-Sets for Forearms & 

  6. vor 9 Minuten schrieb Kracken:

    Language in game = chat language. Its the same for consoles and pc. You can change Regions but you will stay in the same language. 

    So... If you want to talk with US players in English you need to change from  German klient to English one AND swap Regions from EU to NA. 

    Makes no Sense, why i was asked to download a Language File in English?

    I want the Game in German back, not the Chat, the Chat can stay in English also because i changed Region.


  7. vor einer Stunde schrieb Soldier1312:

    I guess on Xbox it's the same as on PC - language is tied to region. 

    If you want to join English chat you have English version of the game. The same applies to every other language there is.

    If i didnt download the Language File, the Game would be still in German, i guess.

    Well, if i change the Systems Region to US, i.m tied to English Chat and US-Region-Players, but this doesnt count on the Game-Language, as long as i downloaded it in german before.


    As i wrote, the Game asked me to download a seperate English-Language File!

    Please read properly, then answer. ;)

  8. XBOX ONE - Europe

    I decided to change my Systems Region from Germany to US, because the european Servers and Chat are really dead.(They should be merged into US-Region with seperated Chat-Region Tab...)

    Then after Restart, the Game asked me, to download a Language Patch/File in English - which i accepted accidently.

    But i want my German Lang. -Game back, while still play on US-Region...

    Do i really have to re-install the whole Game, or how can i delete the English-File over XBOX ONE?

    Because, i cant find any Extra File in the Directory of the Game...


    Didnt know where to post this, sry if its the wrong Place.

    Please dont delete, but move it, if so.



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