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Posts posted by Aethos-Ragnas

  1. I would say that console gaming is an easier place to find "toxic" players due to one key thing: access. A console is much more accessible to people than a gaming PC, especially kids and teens. Part of growing up is learning social skills, and well, we don't exactly have the best role models or parenting skills occuring at the moment (in the U.S., not sure about other countries). Younger players will mimic the toxicity of those around them, and it spreads rapidly. There are a lot more factors that go into this giant equation that I'm going to digress into, but that's the very simplified gist of it. Now, don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the kids are the only source of toxicity; far from it. I've met plenty of toxic "adults" across all platforms, and the real problem boils down to the anonymity of the internet and people being unable to cope with it (if nobody knows who I am, what does it matter if I am a complete ass to all these other people I don't know?). Why it may seem more prevalent on consoles is simply the ease of access for any and all people. Oh, and maybe because console have cheap headsets that are much easier than a tiny keyboard on the controller, but PCs rely on keyboards? It is easier to just talk $#%^ to someone than type it out.

  2. Oy that was a lot of viewers (300k+ at start time). Add me to the list of "waiting on my Ash Prime" but to address some of the comments I skimmed through pages back: Nobody can predict the future. You can plan and estimate for days, months, and/or years and still end up way off. The only way to "magically" resolve the issue caused by a mass log-in wave (and 300-400k twitch drops) would be to utilize an elastic server system and upscale heavily in response to demand, but even that only goes as far as the architecture can handle (or the wallets, if using 3rd party server hosts). $#@! happens and adaptations are implemented as soon as possible. Relax, breathe, and understand that nothing is ever perfectly within our ability to control.

  3. 4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Augmented Quake was a plague and good for nothing.

    I very much beg to differ, good sir/ma'am. The old Resonating Quake was extremely useful for locking down the map, something many people disliked because it was used excessively as "channel for the win." When people were more selective in its use (both timing and duration of a channel) it was amazing CC that could help turn a near-wipe around by stunning and (with enough power mod) killing enemies in proximity to the caster and allies. The augment was good, how it was used, not so much.

  4. On 2/11/2018 at 7:15 AM, Bobtm said:

    We don't want to go down that road, because it's a recipe for a train wreck.  We had hints of this with the old conclave system, and spoiler there but it was 100% incorrect in how it rated one thing vs another.  And as others have noted, Mastery Rank doesn't mean a darn thing at all.  It's just a near irrelevant measure of how much junk someone has ranked up.  Now (post weapon rebalance) it will going forward give you a better idea of how well geared a player can be.  Since new folks coming in will adhere to the new MR locks.  But for the current crowd it's still mostly meaningless.

    As long as a player has completed The War Within and Saya's Vigil, and has visited the Quills, they're prepped enough to fight a Teralyst.  So having that Teralyst bounty require a player to have completed those prerequisites is appropriate.  Four Mote Amps and sortie-viable gear won't necessarily fit into the ideal setup but it will work vs a Teralyst just fine.  And that's why public matchmaking is for, what simply works.  If folks want more honed loadouts along, then that's where Recruiting comes into play.

    For the triple-threat bounty, I'd say require that the player be at Observer (rank 2) with the Quills.  A player at this rank will have access to a 212 Amp which can work fairly well vs the Familyst (yes, I should get out).  Having it set to Observer and above means you'll likely be paired with players who've at least gotten the hang of the Teralyst and can handle it fine.  And going up above that is simply the next step in terms of progression.

    Ideally we could have an extra bounty.  Where players que up to fight just the first two members of the Familyst, and have that one locked at rank 2 of Quills.  Then put the full Familyst bounty behind a Quills rank 3 lock.  But I don't think that's particularly necessary given the difficulty difference between the two.

    This seems like a VERY GOOD IDEA. No hard MR lock (other than TWW), and as a new player you will have acquired the basic kit needed for Eidolon hunting. Requiring higher Quill rank to prove you can actually kill the thing rather than just kind of go blind straight into the Disco Death Dance (or epilepsy inducing fights). This means that the content is available to those who want to and are capable of doing said content, without an irrelevant artificial wall that an MR lock would be.

  5. So, this has been bugging me for a while. When we enter Cetus from Orbiter, we choose an instance of our preference. Works well for people with slightly older hardware like myself who avoid busy instances to not tax the system too much. However, when entering (or re-entering) from the Plains of Eidolon, we get no such choice, and it seems to force us into the first non-full instance, which as of the Unvaulting today actually triggered the game crash memory dump game erasure glitch for me, on returning to Cetus from my first bounty. Holy hell is this transition in need of an improvement. So, I have some practical suggestions to address the system as it currently stands.

    Suggestion #1: Change the Cetus Instance Auto-Selection System (C.I.A.S.S) to default to the instance a person came from when entering the Plains, if applicable.

    Suggestion #2: Change the transition from Plains to Cetus by including an Instance Selection Screen (I.S.S.) before transitioning players.

    Suggestion #3: Do both, utilizing the C.I.A.S.S. for people who entered the Plains from Cetus, and the I.S.S for people who entered from Orbiter.

    Suggestion #4: Enable a setting option for the C.I.A.S.S. that players can choose their preferred population density when re-entering Cetus.

    All of these are also extremely useful alterations to implement before adding more Open World Zones to the game.

  6. So, Warframe got some internal errors today, and removed itself from my Steam Library. The files and such are still on my computer, the Steam Store says I already own it (and can redownload it, ewww) but I'd rather not waste hours on downloading something that's already on my computer. How the hell do I get it back into my library or at least get the launcher working?

  7. I'm having similar issues. The phrasing on the melee mod is "Maintain a 3x melee combo multiplier for 30 seconds with an active companion present." I've done it with different weapons, different warframes, and tried both a Kubrow and a Sentinel (don't have Kavats yet). Every time I load into a mission, the challenge shows 0/1, and does not trigger completion even with several minutes at 3x multiplier. This is more annoying than the mission challenges that fail to track progress (and thus are impossible to complete) that happens every now and again.

  8. Not sure if this is a bug, or an inaccuracy on the wiki:

    I've run T3 Nightmare missions (Uranus and Neptune, will test Pluto when I finish all the nodes) somewhere around 10 times in the last week or so. Every single time I've completed the mission, I've received the same mod, Streamlined Form. Every, single, time. According to the wiki, it has the highest drop rate at ~22%, but statistically speaking, the odds of always getting it in even 5 runs is a fraction of a percentage. I'm no stranger to bad luck streaks, but this seems a bit much. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

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