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Posts posted by youjohneh

  1. The bug in question is one where the energy cost on Banshee's Sound Quake will sometimes change when the reworked Resonating Quake is equipped. I believe this bug is stemming from some possible spaghetti code that's handing the energy cost of abilities. Typically, most 4th abilities cost 100 energy. However channeled 4th abilities have their initial cost set at 25 due to the nature of the ability constantly draining energy over time. The new Resonating Quake mod changes Banshee's Sound Quake from a channeled ability to a non-channeled, but the code is being funny about trying to give it an initial energy cost.

    This bugged isn't being triggered all the time though, but it seems to have to do something with when a Banshee with Resonating Quake joins a mission hosted by another player.

    Below is an image of my Sound Quake with Resonating Quake while I am on a solo mission. This build runs 17% duration and 115% efficiency.


    Next is the same build on the same mission; however, this was an already in-progress mission that I joined. Note that Sound Quake has a base energy of 100.


    For the ladder, when I was casting Sound Quake, it was deducting the 85 from my energy pool, but then immediately refunded the difference of 85 and 21. I was unable to cast Sound Quake if I had less than 85 energy.

    I am unsure whether the fact that I'm joining an already in-progress mission or if I'm joining a mission hosted by another player seems to be the issue; however, I'm leaning towards the former. I'm assuming, although I haven't tested this, that if I were in a group that loaded into a mission together that this bug wouldn't occur.

    Update - I joined a mission where I wasn't the host but we loaded in together and the energy bug was present. This concludes that the bug seems to stem from a Resonating Quake Banshee joining any game where another player is the host regardless of when the mission started or if the group loaded in together or not.

    Personal Opinion - I don't know what the intended energy cost should be, but I strongly feel that you guys should find a way to make the cost of Sound Quake to be 100 if Resonating Quake is equipped. Having an ability as strong as Resonating Quake cost as little as 25 base energy is too strong. I can sustain myself indefinitely with the Zenurik school's Energizing Dash alone.

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