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Posts posted by iMessier57

  1. 5 minutes ago, TwoWolves said:

    No, I figured it would be more complicated than that. But, until those models are fixed, it can be cheated a bit, no? Or at least some kind of option to remove both warframe and ui from the screenshot? All this eye candy is going to waste! I want screenshots of Gas City I can hang as art!

    What you want is free-camera, which you have in captura (don't know if there are any of gas city atm). And i assure you don't want to experience Warframe movement in first person.

  2. 6 hours ago, RCC_2000 said:
    Some solution suggestions:
    First and more necessary, have more configs than just A B C. I seriously don't want to think like "Yeah, Digital Extremes makes it so limited, just so that players need to have 2 of the same warframe so they can buy more loadout slots and then be able to use all their gear properly and play the game in the right way". Weapons should either have more config slots or make it Faction Mission Type based. I mean, Warframe gives so many possibilites, a weapon can have such set ups: Critical, Status, Fire rate, Magazine, Base Damage, Gas, Blast, Magnetic, Corrosive, Radioactive... and these are just 10... not to mention Grineer Critical, Grineer Corrosive, Invasion Range, and so on...

    well they're already going to add the possibility of buying another 3 slots for whatever you need in the next update. Also you are overexaggerating how many ways there are to mod a weapon. You're going against grineer? corrosive and whatever the weapon is optimized for (crit/status/hybrid), corpus? Slash/Viral. Magazine? Fire rate? those are qualitiy of life mods and are used along the builds i mentioned eariler. 

    Invasion range? what is that? 

  3. Recently i started getting into spearguns and so far i really enjoy them, my favourite being Ferrox.

    I love having punch-through on my weapons and Primed Shred adds a nice amount of fire-rate too. But it renders the alt fire on spear-guns useless 50% percent of the time because it goes in unreachable place, not at all where i wanted it to go. 

    Now before i posted this i made some research in the matter and just 2 post have been made on this, one on reddit and one on the forum. And apparently another weapon suffered from this namely Harpak. On which the punch-through would break the harpoon and now it's fixed.

    So can we get treatment for spearguns? de pls

  4. 50 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    If someone cannot be trusted with one chat, why should they be trusted with others? If you tell me that you totaled a rental car doing something stupid, do you think I would let you borrow my car? 

    That's a bad and unnecessary analogy.

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  5. 17 hours ago, 0rdinal said:

    Yea, something definitely needs to be done with a graphics overhaul. I didn't spend an insane amount of money for a person with shaky hands to grab an airbrush and spray on some bullcrap. The model is nice, but the textures of most stuff in this game are getting really weak. Here's a picture of the arsenal up close to show you how lazy DE has become. 0jBj8Mv.png?width=680&height=703

    that arsenal mesh is older than time itself. the rework will fix it.

  6. On 2019-04-07 at 8:59 PM, WaterFalll said:

    It seems your hardware are the bigger problem. Since the PoE update, it feels like the hardware requirement is increased.

    well, of course it is. but i'm a broke student so i can't really throw money at my pc without thinking what other more usefull stuff i could buy. 

    When i heard Steve that plains would run better with the remaster i didn't actually expect to be the case for me, but not this bad. In my opinion the trees could use some optimizing at least for lower settings. I don't want see ever detail of every leaf. 

    my frames did jump from 10 to 11-12 with the latest update so i guess they're on the right track.

  7. i have about 10 fps on plains whenever i'm near trees. for the record i average about 15-20 on orb vallis. which to you might not seem like a big difference but to me, 10 is slideshow and  ~15 is playable.

  8. make her 4th completely independent of what's below and higher limit in altitude(or no limit..it's not like the ability is any good if you're 200m up). I hate  falling down because some certain tiles have those "wholes" that reset you when you fall. 

  9. Amalgam are not corrupted...they're dual stat.

    Corrupted mods, like your examples, sacrifices a stat for other.


    And they're not a joke. They're really good.

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