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Posts posted by EriiTheWizard

  1. First of all, my drivers are fine. Everything worked like a charm for 5 hours before this started to happen. And I was not the only one affected by this issue, my whole group that I currently was in was affected.

    Streaming part. I'm running a 2 pc setup for streaming with a capture card between, so streaming while gaming does not affect my gameplay.

    I sorted this out by myself. I reinstalled the game and now everything seems to work perfectly again.

  2. Hi.

    So, I was playing a fissure for getting Hydroid prime systems and all of a sudden, the game started to get laggy as hell. I went down to 14 fps, and everyone else in my group got the same thing. When the mission was over, the game froze on the black loading screen right before you see your ship traveling. After the crash, or whatever it was, my fps is around 14 in any mission. I've tried to restart, lowering settings and no success in getting it better. I'm livestreaming it so I will clip when it happened and link to it for devs to see if needed.

    While being in my ship, I have about 50 fps, which is a lot less than I used to have. So something broke, DE. 😞

    The last thing I can try really, is to verify game files but I doubt that will help.

    If you need anything, just ask and I'll try and get it for you. 🙂
    // Erii

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