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Posts posted by --Q--Pradervonsky

  1. 6 hours ago, (Xbox One)freakytiki3 said:

    Clown Frame Stats

    Health: 150 base 450 at level 30

    Shield: 0 Clowns need no shield

    Armor: 150 base 450 at level 30

    Clown Frame Abilities

    Passive: Terror, 30% chance that enemies within 6 meters will panic, 50% chance melee attackers will panic.

    Ability One: Honk Honk, Clown frame honks his silly red nose at an enemy causing them to have a equal chance at one of three effects

    1st ability should be named OM TELOLET OM!

  2. Hotfix 17.0.3


    Loki PBR Changes:


    Loki, Loki Prime and all of Loki’s alternate helmets have received a PBR upgrade.  This visual overhaul is the first major step in bringing older Warframes up to date with new PBR textures and does come with a few additional features we hope to roll out to other Warframes over time.  Let us know what you think of the changes!


    • Loki Prime’s gold trim is now tintable.

    Zargabaath is pleased, thanks DE!!


  3. Tenno!


    We gather in this thread for a simple purpose: to keep you updated on the Status of 'Echoes of the Sentient'. So let's get to it!


    12:16 a.m EDT Status: We've passed Midnight on the East Coast, but Canada is a big country so we have a few timezones left! It really looks like there is one major bug left to kill, then build, then test the fix. We could have a candidate within the hour! Stay tuned!




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