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(XBOX)Lone Wolf045311

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Lone Wolf045311

  1. Yeah i can say that limbo has a unique playstyle in regards that you can build jim to be pretty much whatever you need but he also has that cliffside of a learning curve ( cliff length can vary ) but after some time plsying as him and a build im still trying to get the mods for i cam can understand all the negative feedback on him but for those who do give negative feedback on him have you even played as limbo he can be really gun kind of like nidus but with a customizable playstyle he can be fun and can be great as a revive support frame when in the rift or whatever its called he can still revive downed warframes not even in the rift he can be really useful i just feel that people should just move past the bad and see him for the frame he can be

  2. I don't know if the stalker is glitched for me my account or if others have the same problem but I can't get anything but dreads out of the stalker I know it is rng but 50 dreads in a row somethings off increasing the drop chance of the other things on his drop list could fix my issue but I'd like more knolege befor jumping to that

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