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Posts posted by Lulzies

  1. "Oh MAN I am sure glad I got a T1 Exterminate for my Rotation C reward in ODS today!" ~@(*()$ No One, 2015


    Log into your game, and check any recruiting channel of your choice. You'd see all kinds of LF and H of Voids, but never any derelict. Maybe an occasional assassinate and a survival, but aside from that, the community seems to have forgotten the existence of other game types in derelicts. People who do run the said survivals (or god help you, the defense), are people trying to get that token derelict prime part (nova prime systems as of now). And people HATE it.


    Herein lies the issue, why would anyone bother playing a mid-game T3 level mission (25~35 in comparison to T3's starting 20~25) for T1 tier rewards? Why would anyone bother to sit there for hours, just to get no rank rare fusion cores and jack S#&$? Answer; no one- and its painfully apparent.


    Now, I'd be hearing the argument that "But it's infested! They're super easy!" as players are surrounded by three venomous eximus units with refreshing 8 second toxin ticks. The faction is irrelevant- especially with the new infested units populating the area. Coupled with one of the most awful level designs in video game history, the ODs are equally as annoying as any high level towers.


    I'm not suggesting we should nerf the ODs to bumfuck nothing, no- I don't mind going against high-level enemies, but I DO mind not being compensated for the effort I've put into the whole mess. If I ran a T1 capture and received another T1 key, I wouldn't complain much and would understand why I was receiving this. But say that was a 15th wave in an interception. Forums would burn down in complaints.


    Going away from the whining, how do we correct this issue then? One solution is to migrate some of the Void rewards to the derelict. Look at the drop table now, DE is very content on filling the T4 and T3 voids with all these prime parts, and saturating it more and more by update. Why not move the older prime items to the derelicts with some explanation of "hurr durr older rewards were in older ships which the infested took over after it broke"? Fill the rotation A and B's with something other than keys that people already have fifty and plenty.


    So to sum up, derelict missions are piss garbage, make them worth people's time.

  2. Please @(*()$ don't.


    If you want a dark brooding background story for your character, go write fan fiction. People who take themselves (and their respective games) way to seriously are only subject to ridicule and isolation. It's your online nick, get something simple and under four syllables. Keep it under 15 letters and keep the lower/upper case differences to one or none.


    And writing fanfiction does not make you a "good novelist", especially if you think a vowel change for an original name is a "Good" idea.

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