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(XBOX)Xeries Dark

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Xeries Dark

  1. Playing the Sortie Spy tonight as Loki P (1 other Loki P was there as well) and was invisible when activating a console to hack it when the hacking mini game just didn't appear. I ran out of invis and then couldn't leave the console or do anything other than pull up the main menu. Once I did that, I could move again but couldn't activate the console so I went invis again and instantly froze doing the hacking animation and nothing else. I tried to switch to my Operator because the main menu wouldn't unfreeze me. When I did, my Operator was way back at the start of the level. I tried running my Operator to the console where my Loki was and still couldn't hack the console. When I activated the console my Loki disappeared from the map and I couldn't switch back to him. During this time I could move my Operator but he walked a foot above most floor surfaces or objects and couldn't slide, jump, use any Zenurik abilities, or fire my Amp. Then the other Loki came over and couldn't hack the console either but didn't glitch out like I was. So I just sat and waited and wrote this. Then, without pressing any buttons, my Operator teleported back to Loki. Still couldn't move but no hacking animation was going, just my normal Titania Noble animations. Then a 3rd Loki joined that hacked the console even though I still couldn't. This finished the mission and he force extracted us. 

  2. I've noticed a few things that don't seem right regarding how the Wolf Sledge throw mechanics work.

    1: When thrown, anywhere from the bottom of the handle to the head of the hammer can hit the environment and cause it to return to you. On it's own, makes sense. 

    2: When thrown, it only counts a hit to enemies and deals damage if the head of the hammer is the thing to impact an enemy. On it's own, makes some sense. 

    3: Range mods only effect the hit radius of the head of the Sledge, both swung and thrown. 

    4: There's 2 different throws your frame can do with the Wolf sledge: each has its own flight patterns

    5: The flight patterns of the Wolf Sledge are completely unpredictable & makes it EXTREMELY tough to hit an enemy at any range. When you combine this with any of the features above, the weapon's intended throw function is made nearly useless. 

    To fix it, there's a number of solutions. 

    1: Take away collision physics from the entire handle since only the head can cause damage. 

    2: Make it count as a hit and deal damage if the handle hits the enemy when thrown, instead of instantly returning without dealing damage. 

    3: Change the Sledge to hit more than one enemy when thrown. Since it currently can only hit one thing before returning, if the handle hits the enemy, I just wasted all that time charging up the throw. This happens 8/10 times. This would be the least effective change, but still make it better. 

    4: Make multiple of ^these^ changes (preferably all or most) and then it should work as originally intended and actually make the weapon fun to use. 

    I have a video of it happening in game too. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks for reading DE. You guys rock. Keep up the great work. 

  3. Hey DE, I’m loving the new Operator cosmetics and was considering buying a couple pieces soon. I noticed while previewing the cuirass pieces that if you press “A” on one you don’t own to preview it then press “LB or RB”, then press “B” to back out, then the unowned piece stays equipped without paying for it. The UI still displays the name of the previous pieces you had equipped or says “No Sleeve Selected”, but visually you are wearing something that you don’t own. I will be buying more Plat for legitimately purchasing the Operator pieces I want on Thursday, but until then can I use this glitch as like a “try before I buy” type thing since I reported it the instant I found it? I love Warframe SOOO much and have sunk hundreds of dollars into your game, not regretting it ever. I REALLY don’t want my account banned, and if requested will immediately stop exploiting it. I hope this helped. Please don’t ban. Please. And thanks for this amazing game. It’s one of my all time favorites. Keep up the great work. - A Loyal Fan 

    P.S. I am willing to provide account details upon request, and will be watching this post closely for replies

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