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Posts posted by Rutaki

  1. (Sorry for the possible errors of English, I'm using a translator)

    By dying at a certain point using nekros 4 he ends up invoking shadows that do not suffer health drop over time.

    And seeing the bug I see how wonderful it is. So here's my suggestion, please, end the health drop over time.

    I love the Necromancer class, but it's kinda impractical to focus on it when building Nekros because you end up facing serious problems, focusing on Strength your energy consumption to use the 4 will be absurd and irritating to keep them alive / replace them, besides being forced to completely forget about the existence of 1 and 2. If you focus on duration your shadows will be destined to fail miserably as you face the higher numbers of enemies.

    As for just being able to change minions when they die, keep it that way, the Rhino's iron skin and the Nezha shield are that way too.

    Shield of Shadows becomes very strong when building strength (reaching a maximum of 90% damage transfer) which together with health conversion make Nekros immortal, if they make that change I would not mind a reduction in maximum damage transfer ability.

    He should be a Necromancer (what else looks like a Soulmancer) but what we see is only 3. Please DE, this bug is one of the best I've seen in the game, make Nekros a true Necromancer, not just a farmer.

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