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Posts posted by Cuballer

  1. I'm learning a lot about how the game is supposed to be played from these challenges. I'm already pretty casual because I'm just not that good at action games and I only started playing last year because I knew I had a social support network to fall back on. It's frustrating when I try to learn how to play frames that aren't about straight damage like Loki, but I just have to believe it's worth it in the end, like when I was learning how to do spy vaults.

  2. Well, I finally grew a pair and put a potato on the shotgun. Holy crap, does it kick ass now, to the point that I use it on Sedna now. With that much damage, playing defense with Rhino through those 3 rounds finally worked. Luckily, after that it was all downhill.

  3. I tried Valkyr for more armor and can pop invincibility (and faster movement speed to boot!) and I am using arca plasmor, but no matter what I try he keeps sniping me in the last 10 seconds. Rhino was also a failure, and you can't drop gear like clem clones either (I've tried).

    Don't have Nova, either. I've even tried recruiting for the quest and haven't been able to get past this chokepoint. At this point my best idea is to get Frost, pop snow globe around my goal, and just play defense since it'll slow them when they're inside giving me more time to get back and prevent them from scoring. The hoarding and holding points is an idea, but the resulting financial strain gets rid of my energy really quickly as well as reduces my max health. Unless I'm missing something and Rhino can somehow ignore that debuff...?

    And how does one spawncamp? I'm on round 4, so I keep getting the corpus outpost map instead of the standard indoor arena one you get when you do the endurance match on Neptune.

    My Arca Plasmor build, btw: Haven't potato'd it yet, but it's as follows.

    Primed Point Blank rank 6

    Scattering Inferno rank 2

    Hell's Chamber rank 4

    Seeking Fury rank 4

  4. I've lost round 4 (the first one where you have to win by 10 or less) at least 4 times now, losing 160K each time. And the worst part, I already bought Nidus with plat. At this point I'm just doing it to save my pride and maybe to trade the bps away, but this is still #*!%ing bullS#&$, especially when it seems he's mastered the art of the buzzer beater.

  5. On 2/15/2018 at 1:00 AM, .Zel said:

    There's already pretty good Player hosted server in the 3 major regions(NA/EU/Asia) and NA even has servers that are 120 tick rate(almost as good as esea csgo servers, those are 128 tickrate). If you want to find people to play with in your region, can always look in reddit or here on forums or Conclave Discord.

    Bots would be a good idea but only for practice/warm up.

    I love the idea of playing with and against specters in the warm up mode in order to practice passing, checking and interceptions. Those are things you cannot do by yourself. Maybe there could even be preset positions and behaviors for the other players, like a mastery test or a chess puzzle.

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