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Posts posted by BladesAreForTheWeak

  1. Very interesting concept. I like how he seems to focus on getting out of trouble, being more efficient at running away from conflict rather than engaging in it like most frames. If that was your intention, that is. You might just be going in a completely different direction, idk, but it fits the paranoia theme nicely. 

    I also like how you added ideas for the different poses, as not many people do that. They seem fit the theme really well!

    One question, tho: Does Painful Release cost energy? Because it seems like it shouldn’t, as very few people would want to spend energy to remove debuffs from enemies just to get a little energy back. Without energy cost, tho, it could act as a nice way to restock when in trouble. 

    Overal: good stuff, keep it up!

  2. All in all, really nice concept. Poltergeist is very creative, Ghoulish Guard is a nice offensive-defense ability and it just seems fun to me to cause massive mayhem with Shroud of Madness.


    I am not sure about Possession, tho. Why would you want to take control of an enemy if you yourself are a magic robot space ninja? All enemies you could posses would be weak compared to Tenno, and any others(like a Nox or a Bursa) would make it overpowered. Maybe add damage and survivability boosts to possessed enemies? Or make you unable to control the enemy, but instead remaining undetectable and being able to freely switch between enemies, quickly moving behind enemy lines.

  3. I am back and I've made some big changes to the concept:

     - Force Pulse and Conversion have now been combined into a single ability, removing Conversion and making Force Pulse the new first ability.

     - Kinetic Ward has replaced Force Pulse as the second ability.

     - Critical Charge has replace Kinetic Charge as the third ability.

     - The passive has been slightly changed to now work with the damage option of Force Pulse instead of the Damage Mode.

     - Energy has been reduced from 150 to 100.

     - Polarities will be added soon after this post.

  4. I don't know what amazes me the most: the fact that you came up with the idea of a sheep frame or the fact that it's abilities are pretty interesting and just very cool. And about it possibly being too silly, if we can make Octavia weaponize music, Euna weaponizing sheep isn't t that far fetched, right?

  5. 22 hours ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:


    I mean... I dont know how else to say what I already said?

    Yeah, I realized now that I basically repeated what you already said.... But you are probably right, a physical damage frame will never be balanced while Slash damage is still so OP.


    I might need to change that passive anyway... maybe only make the damage part a temporary effect of ability 1. Or just completely remove it. Or maybe just rework the entire concept. I'll think about it.

  6. 4 hours ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

    This would be hilariously broken. Obviously everyone will just run Slash damage on everything all the time. The meta wont shift around just for this frame. I'm just imagining people running around with amprex or ignis firing streams of nothing but slash damage. Or even just a 100% slash opticor. 

    This I'm sure is also why DE abandoned the idea for khora. A frame based on physical damage types could work one day, but we need an overhaul of the damage system in warframe first to fix the serious balance issues we have.

    So.... Your only problem is that Slash damage would make it too overpowered? If one physical damage type is that much better than the others, that is more a problem in the damage system that's already in game than of this frame itself.

    Also, both Ignis and Amprex deal elemental damage. In the passive I mention that elemental and combined damage types are not affected by the damage change.

  7. Hello fellow Tenno,


    So, I know Khora was originally designed around the physical damage types before DE changed it, but I have never actually seen any of her abilities before the change as I hadn't been watching the livestreams. I did, however, begin thinking about what kind of abilities a Warframe like that would have, just for the fun of it. What followed was the first rough draft of Rupture, although back then he didn't have a name yet. But after I heard they changed Khora's theme to 'beast mastery'(equally cool, imo), I decided to continue working on my concept, and now that I have finished it I might aswell post it, right?

    So, here he is: Rupture!


    'This is Rupture, manipulator of the physical forces. Able to alter his damage output in the midst of battle, he is a versatile and unpredictable adversary.'

    'Rupture is an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Better stay out of his way, Tenno.'




    Armor: 50

    Shield: 150(450)

    Health: 150(450)

    Energy: 100(150)

    Sprint Speed: 1.05

    Polarities: Madurai PolMadurai PolNaramon Pol

    Aura Polarity: none





    The physical damage dealt by Rupture's weapons is changed by the current damage option of Force Pulse(his first ability).

     - Any damage increasing mods on a weapon are applied BEFORE the damage type change.
     - Elemental(like Cold and Heat) or Combined(like Magnetic and Blast) damage types, whether as base weapon damage or from mods, are not affected by the current damage option.
     - Companions or their weapons will not have their damage types changed.



    Force Pulse (1):



    Rupture sends forth a wave of pure physical force. The damage dealt and effect can be changed by tapping the ability key, cycling betweem Impact, Puncture or Slash. Holding and releasing the ability key uses the selected damage option. 

    With Impact, Rupture fires a concussive blast of physical force, knocking down the targeted enemy and any enemies in a 3/5/7/10 meter radius and ragdolling them for 2/3/3/4 seconds, dealing 400/450/500/550 Impact damage to all affected enemies.

    With Slash, Rupture creates a fast moving blade of physical force with a width of 3/4/4/5 meters which travels to up to 20 meters away from Rupture. The blade deals 60/80/100/120 Slash damage to any enemy it passes and applies a 45/60/75/90 Finisher damage per second DoT to them for 5 seconds. The blade travels through enemies, but not terrain. 

    With Puncture, Rupture launches a javelin of focused physical force, dealing 500/600/700/800 Puncture damage to enemies, passing through them and impaling them to walls.

     - Tapping the ability key doesn't consume energy.
     - Holding and releasing the ability key costs 25 energy.

     - The javelin from Puncture Mode has an innate 3.0 m punch-through.
     - The blade from Slash Mode counts as a projectile and has travel speed, while both Impact and Puncture Mode are considered hit-scan and thus hit the target instantly. 
     - Tapping the ability key can be used without interupting any action.
     - Holding the ability key is considered a one-handed ability, meaning it can be used without interupting firing or reloading.

     - Strength mods affect all damage dealt by this ability.
     - Range mods affect the range of Slash and it's width, aswell as the AoE of Impact.
     - Duration mods affect the DoT of Slash aswell as the ragdolling of Impact.



    Fracturing Pulse:

    Enemies hit by Force Pulse will take 25/50/75/100% additional damage from all Physical damage types for 3/4/5/6 seconds.

     - The */*/*/* values are for the different ranks of the augment mod, being respectively unranked, rank 1, rank 2 and  max rank 3




    Kinetic Ward (2):



    Rupture creates a nullifying forcefield in front of himself, stopping any bullets that enter it in mid-air. The forcefield and trapped bullets follow Rupture's position and aiming rectangle. Trapped bullets will always stay at the same position reletive to the aiming rectangle. Upon deactivation, all trapped bullets are fired backwards, dealing 100% increased damage to any enemies they hit.

     - This ability costs 7 energy per second.

     - Lasers and flames from flamethrowers are not stopped. Instead, they are simply not able to pass through Kinetic Ward.

     - Strength mods affected the damage boost to bullets that are shot back.
     - Duration and Range mods don't affect this ability.



    Kinetic Dome:

    Kinetic Ward now completely surrounds Rupture, forming a dome with a 3 meter radius. However, its orientation, aswell of that of the trapped bullets, no longer follows the aiming rectangle.

     - Range mods increase the radius of this ability.




    Critical Charge (3):



    Rupture sends out waves of energy, charging any enemies within 20 meters for 15/20/25/30 seconds. Physical damage against charged enemies has a flat 35% increased status chance, aswell as increasing damage taken from Physical damage types by 50/65/80/100%. Physical status proccs gain additional effects against charged enemies: Slash proccs deal increased damage to low health enemies; Puncture proccs decrease armor by 15; Impact proccs have a 35% chance to disarm an enemy. Additionally, physical damage proccs deal 40 physical damage in a 3 meter radius, the damage type being determined by the procc type.

     - This ability costs 75 energy.

     - If an enemy is killed while charged, they spread the effect to up to 3 enemies within 5 meters for the remaining duration.

     - Strength mods affect all damage dealt by this ability.
     - Range mods affect the range at which enemies can be charged and the radius in which the effect can spread after a kill.
     - Duration mods affect the duration of the entire ability.



    Energized Charge:

    When an enemy affected by Critical Charge is killed, Rupture regains 2/3/4/5 energy. If the enemy is killed by an ally, Rupture still gains the normal amount of energy, while the ally gains 1/2/2/3 energy.

     - Strength mods do not increase the energy regain.  




    Ravish (4):



    Ravish (4):

    Rupture gathers an immense amount of force around himself, violently dragging anything nearby towards him. While channeling, Rupture becomes immovable, immume to crowd control and causes enemies in a 8/10/12/15 meter radius to be ragdolled and quickly pulled towards him, up to a maximum of 7/8/10/12 enemies. Dragged in enemies act as bullet shields for Rupture and can take damage from friendly fire. Upon releasing the ability key, all enemies that were dragged in are launched outwards. The launched enemies get charged with kinetic energy, causing them to explode upon contact with a surface, object or enemy and deal 400/500/600/750 Impact/Puncture/Slash damage in a 2/3/3/4 meter radius. The damage type is determined by the current damage option of Force Pulse.

     - This ability costs 20 energy every second while channeling.

     - As a side effect, pickups are also drawn towards Rupture, allowing him to collect them.
     - While channeling, Rupture still takes damage like normal. However, the damage can mostly be blocked by the enemies which he draws in, effectively acting as meatshields.
     - If affected by enemy abilities like an Ancient Disruptor or a Nulifier's bubble, the channeling is abruptly ended. However, the enemies still get launched away and will still deal damage.

     - Strength mods affect all the damage done.
     - Range mods affect the range at which enemies are dragged in and the range of the secondary explosions.
     - Duration mods don't affect this ability.




    Ravish now targets an enemy, making the ability centered around that enemy, but no longer sucking in pick ups. However, Rupture can move around freely while active.



    So. That's about it. Please tell me what you think.

  8. 22 hours ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    Good concept. Like Errodin said, second and third abilities might be a little too limited.

    In term of stats, you might have missed that values like 12/17/etc. meters and 20/50 damage are absolutely nothing in Archwing. For example, Elytron's Warhead has a 240m radius(?) and 1750 base damage (which isn't that much actualy since it doesn't scale properly).

    But in general, I really like the idea. Archwing needs to be improved in general, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't have a new one. And besides, DE doesn't seem to even think about a new Prime Archwing :/.

    Yeah, I mostly used Warframe abilities to base my stats of off. I didn't think about sizes and distances being completely different in Archwing missions. Thanks for the tip!

    22 hours ago, Errodin said:

    I think your #2 (Blight) should be more of an AoE, cast on the player and in a huge cloud of spores that follow him around and cause Dmg/sec.

    Next the #3 feels a bit slow having to gather health from enemies. I feel this would be hard to utilize in team play much less solo as it's potential is lock to how many enemies it passes. 

    The rest is pretty cool imo.

    Blight is suposed to be a defensive ability, giving you time to recover when under heavy fire and to get rid of those pesky homing projectiles. Making it deal damage wouldn't make sence. That being said, I am thinking of changing this ability and making Hemorrhage a full on offensive Archwing, so your idea could work.

    About Malignant: This is probably because I didn't explain it right, but it isn't suposed to completely pass enemies, rather floating towards them and exploding right in the middle of a group of enemies. But I agree, I might have to make it a little user friendly. Maybe making it siphon health from the player itself or dragging any enemies in range with it. Probably make it move quicker.

    Thank you both a lot for the feedback!

  9. 'Ancient and abandoned, this Archwing has been overgrown by Infestation, spreading the deadly disease through the endless void of space.'


    Hello again my fellow Tenno,


    I've really been enjoying Archwing gameplay lately and I wanted to design my own Archwing. I finally decided on an Infested themed Archwing.

    I designed it to be kind of a mage/summoner archtype, dealing high damage at range but being kind of squishy. I didn't want it to be like an Archwing version of Nidus, but I wanted to stick to the Infested theme by making most of it's abilities cost health. To go along with these health-based abilities, I decided to add a passive which gives back extra health.

    Health: 350 (1050)

    Shield: 100 (300)

    Armor: 150

    Power: 100 (180)

    Flight Speed: 1.05




    When the player kills an enemy with a weapon, they heal for 10 health.

    When the player kills an enemy with an ability, they heal for 20 health.



    Pest (1):


    Hemorrhage fires a larva at an enemy, which will borrow itself into the enemy's flesh.  The larva will stay inside the enemy for 3 seconds, stunning the enemy for the duration and dealing 15/35/55/75 Slash damage every second. After 3 seconds or when the enemy is killed, the larva will burst out of the enemy as a Festerfly, dealing 150/200/300/400 Finisher damage to it's former host(if it is still alive).

    The Festerfly will remain behind as a minion for 20 seconds, firing poisonous projectiles at enemies. The projectiles deal 50/100/125/150 Toxin damage and have a 25% status chance.

     - This ability costs 25 health.

     - Each Festerfly has health equivalent to 10% of Hemorrhage's total health and shields.

     - A maximum of 1/2/2/3 Festerflies may be active at any time. If more are spawned, one will automatically despawn.

     - If the player is aiming, Festerflies will prioritize the enemies that are closest to the rectangle.

     - Kills by Festerflies count as weapon kills for the passive.


     - Efficiency mods affect the health cost of this ability.

     - Strength mods affect the damage dealt by both the ability itself and the damage dealt by the Festerflies.

     - Duration mods affect the maximum duration of the Festerflies.

     - Range mods don't affect this ability.



    Blight (2):


    Hemorrhage releases 3/4/4/5 clouds of infectious spores which seek out and stick to enemies. The spore clouds will redirect the attention of nearby enemies to the enemy they are stuck to, making them able to damage eachother. The clouds last for a maximum of 15/20/25/30 seconds, despawning when their host dies.


     - The ability costs 50 energy.


     - The spore clouds can also redirect projectiles which are locked onto the player. The player can't be targeted by lock on projectiles for as long as at least one spore cloud of Blight is active in a 17 meter radius.


    - Duration mods affect the maximum duration the spore clouds can remain active.

     - Strength and Range mods don't affect this ability.



    Malignant (3):


    Hemorrhage creates a missile of writhing, infested mass which slowly floats forward. Malignant will grow over time and siphon health from nearby enemies, dealing 5/10/15/20 Viral damage every second. The more health siphoned, the quicker Malignant grows. Once fully grown, Malignant explodes, dealing 300/350/400/450 Gas damage in a 5/8/10/15 meter radius.

     - This ability costs 75 health.


     - If Malignant doesn't siphon any health, it will explode after 8 seconds. It could possibly explode right after spawning, but this would take a very large amount of enemies in the area.

     - Casting Malignant while it is still active is free and will cause it to explode early, instead of spawning another missile. However, the damage will be decreased, depending on how small Malignant was.


     - Efficiency mods affect the health cost of this ability.

     - Strength mods affect the Viral damage and the Gas damage.

     - Range and Duration mods don't affect this ability.



    Epidemic (4):


    Hemorrhage voilently mutates, removing all armor and spreading forth up to 5/6/7/8 Infested tentacles to feast on enemies in a 8/9/10/12 meter radius. The tentacles impale enemies, dealing 60/80/100/120 Impale damage, ragdolling them and start siphoning their health for 4 seconds, dealing 20/30/40/50 Finisher damage every second and healing Hemorrhage for 10/15/20/30 health per second for each enemy impaled by the tentacles. After 4 seconds, the tentacles retreat, dealing 75/100/125/150 Finisher damage and additively increasing Hemorrhage's Ability Strength by 5% for each impaled enemy for 6/8/10/12 seconds.


     - This ability costs 100 energy.

     - Additionally, the ability lowers Hemorrhage's armor to 0 upon activation. The normal armor is regained after 4 seconds.


     - If an enemy dies while impaled by the tentacles, Hemorrhage heals for 10% of it's(Hemorrhage's) max health. Dead enemies still contribute to the Ability Power increase.

     - Impaled enemies will be dragged along if Hemorrhage moves away from them.


     - Strenght mods affect all of the damage done and the size of the Ability Strength boost at the end of the ability.

     - Range mods affect the range at which the tentacles can impale enemies.

     - Duration mods affect the duration of the Ability Strength boost and the amount of tentacles that is spawned.



    I am interested to hear what any of you have to say.

    • Like 1
  10. I really like the idea of it all. Using Ability Strenght to completely change effects(like Energy color with Chroma) is a very unique concept. This would make it more of an end-game Warframe, as Mods which negatively affect Ability Strenght can't be farmed early on. I don't really mind it, since you aren't suposed to be able to get all Warframes in the early-game. 


    I also really like the abilities, I think they fit the fate-changing/support theme nicely. That being said, I do think it would make more sense if all "Positive" abilities focus on buffing allies and all "Negative" on debuffing enemies. This way players can focus more on one task. Might just be me though.


    All in all, I think this idea has potential. Nice job!




  11. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:


    The ability was cool but then there was this. Harrow. But none the less its still a cool buff so i wouldnt mind it. Just wondering if you could have made something cooler/new.




    I likey!!!


    What i love about this warframe:

    Magnetic damage! And the split ability is rather intriguing. Reminds me of equinoxes augment but better and seems to be more fun since you can switch between who you want to be like thats pretty darn kool

    What i dislike:

    the 2nd and 3rd ability. They dont feel cool enough. Id just like to see the 3rd ability do something different. Mirage got the hall of M augment which increases dmg of her clones, leave that ability to her. If you can find something new (as in no current warframe possesses something like it) this entire warframe would be golden imo

    Thank you for the great feedback!

    I guess I got to get back to the drawing board... I have some  ideas to use as alternatives for 2 and 3, but I haven't really worked them out yet. Maybe I'll add a defensive ability to kinda balance it out, since most abilities are now offensive.

    But anyway, I'm glad you (mostly) like it!

  12. I love it. This is both the cutest and scariest warframe I've ever heared of. Cute as in being a candy themed warframe. Scary as in that the cuteness and sweetness are just a facade to lurr her enemies to her before voilently ripping them apart and drinking their blood. 


    I have a very dark mind... 

    Anywho, really great concept!

  13. Hello my fellow Tenno.


    I've been working on my own concept for a Warframe for a while now and I decided to share it here. Keep in mind that anything in here can be changed in the future if needed.

    So, this is Janus. The name might change in the future, but I think it fits the concept and sounds good. He focuses on his unique ability to split himself into two separate entities, more on that in the 'Abilities' section.


    This is Janus, the two-faced, the twin.
    Both divided and whole, Janus brings a duet of death and destruction to the battlefield.

    Long ago, during the Orokin Era, there were two powerfull Tenno twins. The Void had given the two brothers the unique ability to telepathically communicate with eachother over any distance. As a result, they fought in perfect harmony and where feared throughout the galaxy. But even they weren't unkillable. During their mission to kill their most dangerous target yet, one of the two brothers was somehow wounded through the neural connection with his Warframe. Despite the remaining twin being able to kill their target, he couldn't save his brother. The remaining twin, heart-broken over his brothers death and determined to continue his legacy, he fused their Warframes together. On that day, Janus was born, filled with anger and a hunger for vengeance.

    (Maybe not the best story, but I had fun writing it.)


    (My drawing skills aren't that good, so there is no art.)

    Janus is male. He looks like he is covered in (organic) armor plating, with the left side of his body being a light blue and the right side being a dull red (colors are up for debate). Gaps between plates of his armor reveal dark gray 'skin' underneath it. The energy color on both of the sides of his body is a red-ish orange.

    When Split(more on this in 'Abilities') both halves look the same as the combined Janus. However, the plating of one half is completely red and the others is completely blue. The energy color of both is still orange.




    Health: 100 (300)

    Shield: 100 (300)

    Armor: 30

    Energy: 150 (225)

    Sprint Speed: 1.1

    Polarities: Vazarin PolMadurai Pol

    Aura Polarities: Madurai Pol


    Split (1):

    Janus splits himself into two separate entities, one being controlled by the player and the other being AI controlled. You can switch between which half you control by pressing the ability button again while Split is active. Both halves of Janus individually deal the as much damage as you would normally do. The player-controlled half takes damage just like other Warframes would. However, 25% of the damage the AI-controlled half takes is redistributed to the player themselves. The AI-controlled half can't be killed by any kind of damage and thus can't bleedout. The two halves of Janus can be fused back together by holding down the ability button.

     - Activiting the ability costs 10 energy, deactivating it is free.

     - While Split is active, you losses 3 energy every 1 second. Switching control between halves is free in PvE, but costs 10 energy in the Conclave. This is to prevent players from abusing it in PvP by constantly switching. The ability is automatically deactivated when you run out of energy.

     - This ability is not affected by Range, Strenght or Duration mods.



    Siphon (2):

    Janus drains the essence from an enemy and absorbs it, dealing 200/ 300 / 450 / 700 Magnetic bMagnetic damage to the targeted enemy, decreasing its damage done by 15/20/25/30% and giving Janus 10/15/20/25% increased damage done for 12 seconds. If Split is active, a 20/30/40/50% an increase to damage done is applied to Janus' AI-controlled half instead for 10 seconds.

     - This ability costs 25 energy.

     - The magnetic damage is affected by Strength mods.

     - The range at which an enemy can be hit is affected by Range mods.

     - The duration of the fire- and reload-rate increase is affected by Duration mods.



    Singularity (3):

    Janus fuses multiple enemies into one entity, leaving them paralyzed and open to attack. Upon activation, the targeted enemy and up to 3/4/4/5 enemies in 12 metres around it are fused into a Singularity for 6 seconds. The original enemies stay behind as see-through, 'ghost-ly' figures, but can no longer harm anyone or be harmed by anything. Instead, a Singularity, a copy of one of the fused enemies and glowing with Janus' energy color, floats in the middle of the group and is unable to move or attack. The Singularity has infinite health and can't be killed, but all damage done to it(and the damage types) is stored and increased by 25/30/40/50%. Once the ability ends, the Singularity destabilizes, returning all enemies fused inside it back to their state before the fusion(includes health/shields and status effects) and applying all damage stored to each enemy individually.

     - This ability costs 75 energy.

     - Only one Singularity may be active at a time.

     - Singularity is unable to be cast of only one enemy(including the targeted enemy) is within range of the ability. 

     - Upon deactivation, the stored damage is dealt to each enemy individually. This means that of the Singularity has stored 1000 damage(including the damage increase), each enemy will take 1000 damage.

     - Status effects applied to the Singularity are also stored and applied to all fused enemies upon deactivation. However, status effects applied before casting Singularity are not stored.

     - This ability is not affected by Range mods.

     - The damage increase applied to stored damage is affected by Strength mods.

     - The duration of the fusion is affected by Duration mods.



    Rend (4):
    Janus tears an enemy's very being in two, causing the target to violently explode. The explosion deals 900 / 1000/ 1200 / 1700 Magnetic bMagnetic damage in a 7/9/10/12 metre radius around the target and knocking enemies down. Aditionally, if the target is killed by the blast, a second blast is triggered, dealing 500 / 600 / 750/ 900 Radiation bRadiation damage in a 4/5/6/8 metre radius. If the target is not killed by the blast, it will remain unable to attack or move for 10 seconds. The animation the target shows is similar to when enemies are put to sleep by either Equinox or Ivara, but with Janus' energy color coming of off it.

     - This ability costs 100 energy.

    - If Rend is cast while Split is active, both halves of Janus will teleport to the same position and preform a unique animation toghether.

    - If Rend is cast on a Singularity, the range and damage of both explosions is increased by 10% for each enemy fused into the Singularity. The Singularity will immediatly be deactivated and it has a guarranted change to trigger Rends secondary explosion.

     - The range of the blasts is affected by Range mods.

     - The damage of the blasts is affected by Strength mods.

     - This ability isn't affected by Duration mods.



    As One (Passive):

    When Janus' health drops to zero, only the player-controlled half of him will drop to the ground and start to bleedout. The other half stays behind for 5 seconds and is still able to attack enemies. It also gains a 25% damage increase during the duration. During this, switching to controlling the other half is not possible. It will disappear after the 5 seconds are over, if Janus dies or if Janus is revived. Janus spawns back in his normal form after being revived.

     - Any effects that were already on the AI-controlled half, including those caused by Janus' own abilities, while remain active for the remaining duration(or until the 5 seconds are over) after Janus enters the bleedout.

     - This is triggered regardless of whether Split is active or not.

    Additionally, both halves of Janus can pick up items, ammo, energy orbs and health orbs. Any items picked up by the AI-controlled half is added to the players inventory. This includes ammo and orbs.



    Well, I think that's everything. So, I thank you for taking the time to read this and hope you like it. Feedback is always welcome, especially about balancing.



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