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Posts posted by Vukkson

  1. It's a small but anoying bug. If a message appears saying stuff like "Connection lost" or "Session unavailable" the mouse cursos isn't available to click OK and proceed, so the player is stuck on the loading screen forever. Then you have to close the game via Task Manager and start over. This happened after the Sacrafice update, where basically the mouse cursor isn't there anymore during loading screens.

  2. This is my first post on the forum and I'm a bit disapointed it had to be about this.

    Somewhat over 24 hours ago I was suspended from game chat for saying, and I quote, "nibba what". I know it's quite a bad thing to say, but it was never meant as a insult to someone, more as a meme. Anyhow, I know the suspension is well deserved, but could I somehow at least know for how long. I've seen some comments saying if the first suspension I ever get lasts more than 24 hours, I should contact support, but I couldn't find an apropriate article about that.

    If anyone can just give me a hint on how to get some info on the duration of the suspension I'd be very thankful.

    Again, sorry if someone was insulted, it was never meant to be in that way. Thanks for reading.

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