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Posts posted by Kegaren

  1. Ah the gold one, you get after the black, blue, etc. I always thought the racing was fun as well.

    10 hours ago, Hyperdrome said:

    Really this whole pet breeding thing started a LONG time ago.  Anyone remember the "Golden Chocobo" from FF7?  It was end-game you needed it to get "Knights of the Round Table" to beat final boss to beat the game.  Well, im still doing it.




  2. Well, I've only had the game for a week or two now and I have a sunika kubrow ready to mature in my pod, but was wondering what the best way to set it up would be? After doing some reading It seems that most people agree that they don't really stack up to a Sentinel however, I enjoy the theme of having an actual pet enough that I don't really care if they are "second best"

    That said if I'm using one I would very much appreciate advice or maybe some links to area's that will allow me to get the most out of it.

  3. The pure entitlement that people display when something like this happens.. It's not DE's fault in the slightest, you are owed nothing, but will probably get something anyways.(extended booster, baro, etc)

    I read a book recently called "One second after" follows the story of a guy trying to survive when an EMP goes off. if this is how we act when a game server goes offline for a day I'd really hate to see what we become in a real emergency.

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