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Posts posted by Renjykk

  1. The new sounds fit some weapons but not all. For heavy blades and hammers they are absolutely horrendous. Something that should sound heavy, visceral and "metal" now sounds flimsy and weak. Please give us the option to revert to the old sounds, perhaps even on a weapon by weapon basis, that'd be cool.

  2. FINALLY! Someone else noticed! I made a thread about this too, though I couldn't quite explain it as thoroughly as you have. Strangely enough, as I say in my post, it only occurs when I try to use in-world UI screens (the ones your warframe looks at), namely my "upgrade" screens, is usually fixed by relogging, and I play in borderless windowed.

  3. Ever since The Sacrifice dropped with Update 23 I have been experiencing, randomly, a problem most noticeable while in my weapon upgrade and mod bench screens. As the title suggests, the "bug", which I put in quotes as I'm not sure if it even fully qualifies as such, is visual in nature. Without further ado, it's nature is as follows: Jerky camera movement when trying to drag and drop mods in/out of builds. When it's happening, the camera in these screens moves at a 1:1 ratio with mouse movement, or, as someone else puts it, it(camera) seems to be snapping along grid lines that we don't see and it's not behaving like the 1:2 or even 1:3 ratio it usually is, that is to say that when you stop moving your mouse, the camera would keep moving for a very short duration afterwards, giving the impression of flowing liquid. Whatever one could compare it to, the point is that didn't cause vertigo the second I tried interacting with any "in-world" menus. Now, whenever this "thing" rears it's ugly head, all camera movement stops the moment the mouse does, causing this perceived jerkiness that is so bad I have to relog immediately as I will become dizzy with even just a few drags of the mouse. Make no mistake, this isn't a little thing that I can get used to, if it weren't for my ability to fix it temporarily with a relog I have no doubt that I wouldn't have been able to edit any of my builds or do much in my foundry for the last week or however long update 23 has been out. 


    Has anyone else experienced this issue? Have I not explained it sufficiently? Do you have a possible fix? Please let me know!

    P.S. Just to make sure I wasn't crazy, I had my bf, He doesn't play WF, but is still a gamer, look at a "before & after", as it were, versions of each screen. With and without the bug:

    Me: Hey, bae, look now and tell me if you see what I mean.

    Him: Oh, god, yes, it's extremely nauseating. How do you even do anything?

    Me: I know, right? 

  4. Ok, ever since the update dropped and we got parts of the new UI my in world-UI screens, those being the foundry and weapon and warframe upgrade screens have all had this inexplicable choppy camera movement. Anytime I try to do anything with my builds, if I had to guess, the camera movement is too precise in tracking mouse movement, instead of the smooth, steady drag, thus resulting in this aforementioned jerkiness. It may also be the result of an unlisted or unintentional change in DPI or input lag/delays that came in with Update 23. This all  may sound small, but make no mistake, this makes it impossible for me to actually do anything in those menus as the camera movement is nothing short of a disorienting, vertigo-inducing, major pain in the eyes! The issue appears at random points in any given play session and is fixed only after relogging.  

  5. With the Beasts of the Sanctuary update, DE fixed the spontaneous (and quite humorous, if annoying) combustion of your eidolon lures the moment night time is about to end on the plains. What still occurs though is that while your lures are still intact and attached to the Eidolon, if you defeat it before it despawns, your lures will not count and the capture will default to a kill. This has happened twice now (the last of which was the last night cycle from the time of writing this, and I'm kicking myself for not snapping a screenshot of it). So we're effectively right back to where we were with exploding lures. 

    Edit: Bug report now with screenshots! 

  6. This is all irrelevant. I've determined it's a display bug. Or, perhaps a bug with how the math is done when you add your status and multi-shot mods FIRST, then entropy burst. In that case the stat sheet will not show the correct status increase. However, when added first, Entropy Burst will reflect the correct 50% base status chance. Then add your other mods and you can reach 100% with just 3 dual stats.

    For Clarity: When I say "added FIRST" I mean, just that, not the order the mods are arranged, but literally which ones you drag onto your weapon first.

    With Just Entropy Burst: 88D33EFC3F8A47159546E77608EDC70C60E94878

    With 150% Multi-Shot and 2 Dual Stat mods (60/60s) added BEFORE Entropy Burst: E6C6B80F9B611BED319C7ACFDED7A6D21856FEBF

    So now you know what to do, but as others have already pointed out, since the Supra Vandal is not a shotgun, it's not anywhere near as important to reach 100% status, and, if you plan on using just 1 more dual stat mods than I have here, you will reach 100% status chance regardless if whether or not Entropy Burst is being displayed and/or calculated correctly.

  7. This is happening to me right now as of writing this. Doing Plague Star as my Valkyr Prime. Though everyone seems to be within the same few pages of how the bug is triggered and how to fix it, no one has ever mentioned how especially obnoxious it is to have it trigger when transitioning to operator mode with a channeled ability, then dying or running out of warframe energy whilst in operator mode. If this happens during Hysteria, you will still get the bug and be unable to take ANY action besides looting and movement, but also be completely immortal forever until the bug is fixed, only you can't bleed out because you can't die! So I'm sitting here are around 60k hysteria damage saved up as even at zero energy the game still thinks hysteria active. It's only just now fixed as I we finished the last Hemocyte boss thing and ran back to Cetus.

  8. Thank you all for your answers so far. Ya know, I said I have all the time in the world to play and that's true but what I neglected to mention was I also unfortunately have no facking  patience whatsoever. I'm realizing that -Tempo-'s response was the most accurate as right after posting this I just decided to stop facking worrying about what frame I was and just play, and found out just how much fun I was having and even went all out in getting them the mods, auras and augments they need for specific builds. I will definitely think about Saryn next as I love the toxin theme and melee focus, or rather melee possibilities, and two of you are confident in her, but I won't be fretting about too much about it. However, don't let this discourage you from more recommendations because if you have crucial information about how to set up a particular frame I welcome it.

  9. Ok everyone I have realized in my short 107 hours playing this game so far that this community is both the best I have ever seen in terms of what I'll term "noob advocacy" and general willingness to help, but also the WORST when it comes to the question of answering the deceptively complex question of "what is the best "X" warframe?" or "I want "X" and "Y" in my frame, who to pick?". I say deceptively complex because it's not even your (the tenno community)'s fault. The sheer number of  "classes" (used loosely) there are and just how MASSIVE is the ocean of options for builds that can completely change a frame's style of play is what does it. A new player walks away from a thread about frame recommendations with more confusion and questions than answers. One that comes to mind is a thread on Steam about the best "solo" warframe one commenter quite humorously and adeptly demonstrated the near futility of expecting a concrete answer to such a question by having a back-and-forth argument with himself about why "X" is better than "Y" but "Z" is better than "X" and "Y" in this area but "X" is better because it doesn't need this this and this and so on and so forth forever and ever! Indeed it's harder in Warframe than any other MMO out there to say anything objective or deduce what someone will like.

    I know that was verbose but I wanted to make sure I WARframed this topic right (hardy har har, the puns!).

    So with much ado out of the way, I will now list criteria that are hopefully more successful than others at narrowing down the options:

    1. I have Mag, Ash Prime, and Ivara at the moment with Nekros Prime being built. So no more stealth unless you're sure of it.

    2. I am Mastery Rank 5 at the time of this writing, so the frame(s) cannot rely on a specific weapon too far above that, say MR8 is the cutoff) and think of frames that don't take too end-game or even mid-game level investment to be "decent" or "good" (no rivens, no primed mods, 1 forma max, auras and augments if they have a good cost/benefit ratio.

    3. Squish ranged marksman or caster to melee master I really don't mind, but preferably melee steering away from the dagger stealth kill variety.

    4. Consistent, respectable or insane damage output as to not feel carried in GROUP play, maybe some utility that isn't situational.

    5. Solid defenses or CC, either through abilities or natural stats for smooth sailing through SOLO play. Note: If this frame passes the high damage check but takes the approach of "best defense is a good offence, this is acceptable, I can dig being a glass cannon.

    6. Prime Frames welcome if you think it's worth the upgrade.

    7. As made obvious by my MR5, the frame(s) cannot rely on a specific weapon too far above that, say MR8 is the cutoff).

    8. I have Energy Siphon, Flow, Continuity, and Narrow Minded, so if the frame has a build heavily ability-focused, I can get it there to some degree. I also have Covert Lethality and at least 1 stance mod for every melee except except Single Swords.

    9. My entire weapon collection:

    Primaries: Dex Sybaris, Dread, Karak, MK1-Braton, MK1-Paris, Latron, Vulkar, MK1-Strun

    Secondaries: Dex Furis, Sonicor, Furis, Lato

    Melee - Skana, Ether Daggers, Ceramic Dagger, Fragor, Cronus, Fang, Jaw Sword, Plasma Sword.

    Frame and weapon combinations possible with my current arsenal are obviously a good thing to have.

    10. I am a strange player, I find I see reliability and fun in consistency in what others call boring, simple or repetitive, but also find taking the "hard to master, you better play this right classes" as a "challenge accepted moment". Step outside yourself for a moment, maybe there's a frame that you personally didn't like too much but could see how I or someone else would.

    11. I have pretty much all the time in the world to play.

    12. I have 172p at the time of this writing, so bargain bin stuff, lol.

    My god that was long, but if you made it here, I hope I did what I set out to do, and made the question easy to answer, and thank you for your time.


    Also, goes without saying, but IF a certain weapon goes REALLY well with a frame, then go ahead, like I said, I got time, I'll get it eventually.

  10. 1 hour ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Hi all,

    For the past hour we’ve been experiencing intermittent connectivity issues. We are working to solve the problem as quickly as we can and then we’ll talk about possible Baro extensions and such! Stay posted here as our team works away! 

    For the past three hours*

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