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Posts posted by (PSN)ncky509

  1. I'm usually not one to complain on forums but these ps4 cursor changes just feel horrible.

    two stick menu control, d-pad doesn's scroll to next page, huge cursor in the middle of my mod text boxes (esp. bad when scrolling though syndicate mods as its so easy to move to the surrounding mods.), having to move the cursor from one side of the screen to the other to spin your warframe around when fashion-framing, having to screw around with cursor setting because the damn thing is either too fast or two slow(fast cursor wouldn't be too bad if things like the leave party wasn't so small), fumbling around with relic rewards feels bad especially on a timer

    And all that is just from one afternoons play session.

    Even if those were all fixed it just feels slippery and gross overall. I was thrown through such a loop I accidentally purchased a viper with plat instead of grabbing the blueprint. Console UI's need to be tight and responsive. Doubly so in games that involve a lot of long term grind materials/blueprints and micro-transaction currency that you don't want to risk to a miss click.

    I'm a newer player so I don't know how much the game has evolved over the years but this feels like a janky beta UI.

    Great game otherwise and thank you for making it but please and least give us a check box to revert back if we want to.

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