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Posts posted by (PSN)ajniNterceS

  1. While completing Revenant quest, in the plains of eidolon following Nakak’s instructions and selecting the 1st waypoint, no further instructions were provided other than talking to Konzu. Konzu did not provide any information on the quest but offered his normal Cetus bounties. After repeated entries into the plains (at night) and checking on Nakak/Konzu I have been unable to continue this quest, or restart. Clan mate of mine has this same problem

  2. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)PerverseWolf said:

    I'm getting alot more than a worthless emote/skin with my money. I'm getting the ability to play a fantastic game that can only keep getting better even if it gets buggy sometimes.

    Pay to play now? Not denying that the game isn’t fun. Wouldn’t you agree that there is a lot that needs fixing? Would it be so terrible if that were corrected? Id pay a monthly subscription (certainly not for premium access), if they’d corrected basic problems. Done arguing with you 

  3. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)PerverseWolf said:

    My point exactly, What i've read from your post you appear to want a way to support de by funding them money. we already have Four methods for that (platinum, prime access, prime vault AND Exclusive console skins, (jade and obsidian). except pc as they use real money not platinum and they don't get any exclusive skins as far as i'm aware. The money they get from that goes toward bug fixing, developing content, server maintenance, basically all kinds of work to keep warframe playable and enjoyable. Now on to the main Red flag. You want as a reward for your proposal a exclusive prime frame akin to Excalibur Prime and the founders pack (A special thank you present for taking a giant risk and sending DE money to start work on this game Ty Founders.) there is many things that I could say, and many more ways to say it so I will do this politely It would be disrespectful. To everybody who has Excalibur or the Founders pack. I like the idea of DE focusing their attention to fix bugs. But in the end we already are paying them to fix them and DE are fixing them when they can between big updates, they're  a small company and it'll take awhile but they'll get there soon. You may now default to your recurring defensive statement calling me a troll and not to bother posting because I haven't contributed positively.

    Bro with your “payments” you’d think you’d be getting more than a worthless emote or skin. I’m playing the game right now and just had another weapon reload failure. You should ask for your money back. Dude I’m 31years old. Spent 10+ yrs in the Marine Corps; not much you can say that would offend, aside from your ignorance. Didnt know “founders pack” is so confrontational on this thread. I can give a S#&$ less about some gift or reward. It would be cool, but a bonus

  4. 11 minutes ago, (XB1)PerverseWolf said:

    This thread should just be locked, no good can come out of this continuing any further...

    No good can come of what exactly? We the community providing support to the developer to correct some problems? Dude seriously, waste your time elsewhere

  5. 3 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Maybe you never played No Mans Sky or some of the others...  Plenty of S#&$ty AAA games out there with big problems.   Big budget doesn't mean better game.   It means more money was spent, that's it.   Its how that money was used that matters.   And RNG is a part of being F2P.   I have spent hundreds of runs after some things.   Some I eventually got.  One I still don't, but it will drop sooner or later.   Then again I have gotten others in just one.  If its something I want, and its no longer worth my time to farm, then ill farm/buy plat and just outright buy the item.  

    I provide support to DE by occasionally buying plat.  Money which they have used to continuously make the game better and provide additional content.   You know, what your "Donation" is alleging to do.  Your OP really sounds more like someone trying to get a special frame through a new founders pack.   Just calling it something else.   Sorry, no Excalibro Prime for you.

    Lol. Bigger budgets provide funding for a variety of things, my quote said LESS problems, not “no problems”. AAA titles have longer production cycles, more quality control...list goes on. The fact that this game does so well under such a small budget is a miracle. Although they’re those who spend thousands of dollars each year “supporting” the game through cosmetics and various microtransactions. I’m all for, paying for the games experience, what I won’t pay for is a buggy one which they haven’t addressed

    Grinding for a remote .0001% drop rate is obscene. Glad your aware that some of your purchases are supporting a portion of the games developments, but are you aware of the plethora of basic problems in the PS4 release? If you don’t have problems, that’s FANTASIC! You can troll another thread. Not interested in excal prime

  6. 17 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    I know it might come across as a little strange to ask this but are you actually doing the right map?

    As to your original message with it having an 11% drop chance, we have no idea what number of missions this is based off of, in theory if it's based on 1000 missions you could do 890 runs without getting the reward and then the last 110 runs could all be the reward you want, this would still be an 11% drop chance as the sample size is 1000 missions.  Now this is highly unlikely but it is possible so your 150+ (I'll be honest I'd say this is exaggeration) is entirely possible due to the way rng works. 


    edit: the wiki even gives you expected number of runs..

    To nearly guarantee at least one drop for each part 77±20 complete runs are needed for the Neuroptics, 303±76 Fissure Corrupted kills for the Chassis, and 118±30 C Rotations in Tier I Defection or 77±20 C Rotations in Tier II and III Defection for the Systems.

    Pago for neuroptics. 77 +/- 20 is less than what I’ve completed. 150 would have been an exaggeration, but after a few weeks of not getting it, I bought a manual “clicker” to actually count my runs, of which I only counted the “perfect” clears with no alarms. So my 150 is a drastic understatement. 

    Edit: Fairly confident that if the drop rate was based off 1000 completions.....no one would have Harrow and most players would have either quit or raised hell.

    please bear in mind this is of several of the base mechanics and is not intended to entail the wide variety of problems, we the players face. Interested in seeing what other problems we can add to this list of “stability” concerns. Unfortunately, connection problems are something that I do not intend to pursue as it would not be easily solved or cost efficient 

  7. Lol that’s an easy one. AAA titles have less core problems. Fact of life. Bigger budgets. Which RNG percentage requires 150+ clears? If that, that isn’t a bug, then why has most of the community received their harrow peices with less clears? And to the idiots who after 5+ yrs of plat purchases, skins, and cosmetics and still think those are the “solution” these problems you are obviously mistaken, and sadly part of the problem. Honestly, those who are trashing this idea are wasting their time. If you don’t have a complaint with the games mechanics, troll another thread. 

    17 minutes ago, _Vortus_ said:

    Hahahaha  Tell that the SWB2,  No Mans Sky,  Watch Dogs 2...   could go on.   


  8. A few have derailed this thread. It was not intended for DDOS prevention. That is nearly impossible, it’s a child dream. I’m concerned with the core mechanics of the game not performing correctly. Apparently, I’m getting confused in this maelstrom and will restate my position: I would like to create a fund (based off player contribution) in exchange for DE correcting our identified concerns regarding core functionality of the game. This is not for cosmetics, new gear, weapon balancing, “new” items. If your not in favor, there is no value to your response, the lack of apparent support will voice your position. 

  9. Perhaps you are not experiencing these problems. No issues, you can ignore this thread. This thread is for those who are experiencing problems in the game and would be willing to contribute to a potential solution, should DE agree and come up with a plan. This is player created thread and is not mandatory for anyone by any means. I’m trying to get a consensus of the community. Perhaps my (some of problems) stem from the console port (PS4)? 

    32 minutes ago, KurryB said:

    Recently sure but overall? 99.99% uptime easily. 

    DDoS prevention is generally a half truth type thing where if you pay enough money the dam is larger but it doesn't remove the possibility of the dam still overflowing with enough effort. DE's budget for server hardware and such seem to be fantastic for the vast majority of time until some pathetic group of trolls decide to cause problems. Financially it doesn't make sense to just tell the dev "hey you should be spending exponentially more money to ensure that the .01% of the time that you're getting DDoS'd isn't as effective". 

    If the problem was truly more common (or really affected average gameplay as opposed to occasional ddos) then you could say that the hardware they have isn't enough to support the game. 

    The server issues aren't nearly as non-stop as you make them out to be.


  10. 2 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    To be fair a lot of the 'smaller' issues feel like they're 'fixed' by an off and on again cycle of their hardware (there's an issue in that in itself imo but still) but when you get a ddos attack they don't seem (ie the impression we get from outside) to have anything in place to counter it, not even a plan of action, because of how long it takes etc. 

    DDOS are a common issue now for every major online service, the difference is an prepared company can be back online in a few hours, not have the issue running on for several days or even longer.  There are services out there that are designed to actively mitigate ddos attacks too. 


    As to the OP donating... um, no DE are a business and as much as they like to make out they're poor they have a massive Chinese conglomerate as a majority owner so they have plenty of capital available to deal with 'server issues'. 

    Hence why they needed an initial investment of founders. They are large compared to us, but tiny in the macro sense. Basic core components have been neglected, I understand the DDOS nearly impossible to prevent, and I am aware of their responses to several problems, but several times a day I can’t reload my gun, several times a day I load into a black screen, I have over 150 Pago clears and no Harrow piece (which was claimed at 11% drop rate). My idea isn’t to *@##$ at DE. They seem to be doing the best they can, but rather support them better. Plat sales don’t seem to address the core functionality of problems. If you don’t have problems (I play on PS4) you can ignore this and not contribute

  11. Wondering if the community was interested in starting a donation fund for DE in the hopes of fixing the plethora of game issues. If DE were willing to address basic quality of life concerns plaguing the game like: I can’t reload my gun or connection issues. Maybe we can create a donation window (like a month) and we could get like a “founders reward” like Excalibur Prime equivalent. Appreciate feedback

  12. I’ve been farming the Kuva spy mission for nearly a month with over 100 perfect clears (no alarms) and still haven’t received the Harrow Neuroptics blueprint. Read that there is a 11% drop rate which can’t be the case. Played with several others who are experiencing this same problem. Aside from the drop rate being the main problem, can some mechanic be installed which at least mentions that I’m on the correct mission and have completed all necessary steps (I’ve completed War within, Mot, Chains of harrow)

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