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Posts posted by Hescominsoon

  1. HUH?  I have more than enough ram to run two monitors..the game uses less than 1 gig of vram(verified inside teh game itself) and i have 32 gigs of system ram.  I have nearly 4x the amount of required vram.

    I run much more demanding games that do NOT exhibit this issue.

    My previous machine(a shuttle) has an hd 6770 1 gig that ran these two monitors just fine.  One monitor is at 1080P and the other is 1280x1024.  So if a 1 gig radeon can run both of these at max settings then a machine more than 4x more powerful should be able to run it with less effort.  Not a hardware problem but a coding error on warframe's part.


  2. This only occurs with warframe.  My other games do NOT exhibit this issue.


    usually within a minute or two of getting into the game i get the warning that video memory is low do i want to disable aero..which i don't.  I tell the machine to not tlel me that again and let it be.  My second screen remains black.  Warframe is the ONLY game exhibiting this behavior.  


    My machine stats:

    cpu: Core i-5 4690k 3.5 ghz

    Ram 32 gigs

    Windows 7 professional 64 bit

    Video card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 4GB GDDR5


    Tenno, Update 18: The Second Dream is now live on PC! To assure we snag any major issues this thread will be used as a hub for bug reports. 


    **Please use the following format when writing up your report and provide photo/video evidence if possible: 


    DESCRIPTION: Provide a general idea of what the issue is. Some of the following details might come in handy:

    Who (Warframe, Companion, Teammates, etc.)?

    What (Load-out, Weapons, Cosmetics, etc.)?

    Where (Planet,Mission, Area, Liset, etc.)?




    REPRODUCTION STEPS: How did you come upon this bug, what are the steps to recreate it?







    Need an example?


    Description: Firing Ivara’s Dashwire Arrow at a tree on Earth will not create zip line.

    Can you Reproduce the Bug? Yes!


    Reproduction Steps: 

    1. Equip Ivara.

    2. Enter any Earth mission (because trees).

    3. Shoot all of the trees with Dashwire Arrow (go nuts).

    4. Check for grappling issues that make it impossible to create a zipline.

    5. Go fourth and Robin Hood all over the map.



    Known Bugs: 

    • Entering the Arsenal in the Simulacrum with an active Weapon Ultimate skills (Ivara, Excalibur or Wukong) breaks functionality.
    • Double spin-melee attacks are possible.
    • Chroma’s Effigy is not working as intended in Annihilation (Team Annihilation and Capture the Cephalon are not affected).
    • Extreme unintended amounts of affinity/focus XP displayed at the End of Mission Screen.
    • Wukong's Primal Fury not affected by Range Mods properly (Pre U-18).
    • Foundry Sorting is putting Warframe Parts in 'Misc'. 
    • Invisible stance icons in arsenal. 
    • FPS issues in Archwing. 
    • Archwing Exterminate missions bugged. 
    • Extractor health UI displaying false info. 
    • Mesa's Peacemaker's aim ring no longer shrinks. 
    • Moon Earth Nodes are not unlocking as intended. 


    memory error upon entering the game.


    When i log into the game and get warframe running between two and 5 minutes later the game disappears and i get the windows 7 error that my system is performing slowly and it asks if i want to go to windows basic, ignore the error and do not ask again or ignore and ask if the system gets low on resources.  I have to take the second option or it constantly does this.


    System stats:

    Core I-5 4690K 3.5ghz

    ram 32 gigs

    Video card:  Nvidia GTX 960 4 gigs of vram

    Windows 64 bit.


    I would look toward my system if my other games were doing his but it is ONLY warframe doing this.  I do not have anti-anything running on this machine and there is no badware on the machine.

  4. Sounds odd and possibly related to something running in the background eating away at the memory. I've run two monitors for years now and have all chat/voice programs up in the other screen. Over time, specifically when my computer has been running for more than 10 hours, I have received warnings in my computer about turning off themes (aero) because video memory was low, but it was only a minor annoyance and didn't effect anything else.


    this only happens with warframe.  diablo, starcraft 3, and any other game does not do this.  warframe is using 2 gigs max of main system ram and less than 1 gig of vram.  system ram usage is 25% max with everything going o use and warframe.  If it was a memory issues other games would do this as well.

  5. This only occurs with warframe.  My other games do NOT exhibit this issue.


    usually within a minute or two of getting into the game i get the warning that video memory is low do i want to disable aero..which i don't.  Warframe(not windows) then locks up and i have to manually kill warframe with the task manager and then restart warframe.


    My machine stats:

    cpu: Core i-5 4690k 3.5 ghz

    Ram 32 gigs

    Windows 7 professional 64 bit

    Video card: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 4GB GDDR5


  6. Whenever i equip the carrier once it starts vacuuming stuff up i constantly hear the clicking sound of it giving me ammo and hte things i pick up float all around me almost like i am stuck inside the vabaugn vortex.  It gets to the point my screen is filled with this stuff and i cannot see.  I have another clan member with this issue as well.

  7. No. Because, the versions need to be the same for PC and PS4 and the game has officially made the console version its number one priority and the game mechanics are to be set around it entirely.


    With that said, I agree.

    As i said in an earlier post this is a console port now..that's a shame..:(

  8. From the interface being console derived and constantly moving to not being able to join games without a high(60%) chance of the sessions failing this is the worst thing I've ever seen.  To think the amount of money I've put into this game to be rewarded with something nearly unplyable.....


    Hotfix 10.6.1

    • Fixed unresponsive black screen appearing at end of mission. Back to the drawing board on that one, sorry! :(
    • Fixed Hud UI breaking when more than 4 players connect in a clan dojo.
    • Drastically reduced benefit of unintentionally-released Sprint Speed Aura. This mod is still in development until official release.
    • Fixed a case where player would occasionally be unable to melee/block after being knocked down during melee swings.
    • Fixed a similar case where player would become stuck in the melee charge anim if knocked down while meleeing.
    • Fixed Sentinel Crowd Dispersion knocking AI out of Bastille causing them to pop.
    • Reduced difficulty of some mastery challenges, implemented frame-time performance improvements (noticeably for lower-end hardware), and lessened depth-of-field effect.
    • Restored original Bladestorm functionality where all enemies in the current room are eligible for attack, plus fixed a long-standing issue where subsequent targets weren't prioritized based on proximity to original target.
    • Fixed missing roots in Orokin Derelicts (DX11-only); these were sometimes needed to advance in the level.
    • Halloween decorations have been boxed up and put away in the attic until next year.


    • Small Hotfix to remove an unreleased weapon skin.

    please fix the netcode..correctly this time..the lag spikes are making the game unplayable.

  10. Has made the game nearly unplayable.  Holy moly had to manually DC once so i could regain control of my system..then when the mission ended we all sat listening to our characters fighting with us at a black screen usually reserved for the rewards.  We all had to use task manager to kill this game just to get out.  we wound up losing our rewards.  Whatever the devs did..please undo it..this hotfix was a hotbreak!


    my system:

    core i3 540

    8 gigs ram

    radeon 6770

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