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Posts posted by cornholio508

  1. Needless to say players are like children when it comes to games . New updates are like presents and when gamers dont get their present when they are told they will , they get cranky .


    @Masyaf47 Bad time management is jumping to conclusion . Trust me from an I.T perspective big updates that are to be deployed on a server nearly always go wrong . I have often been on the end where a software update on a server wouldnt deploy or just plain crashed the server . No telling what what is happening on DE's end . That said they could at least give hourly updates to let the community know that they are working on it and whats actually going on behind the scenes . 

  2. I think DE need to come up with a better system for AFK players . Maybe a combined timer with the option for the host to kick an afk player . i.e 1 min timer for inactivity allows host to kick the player . AFK players would then get a usual nothing as if they actually lost a missions . I know this might seem a bit unfair but as it is some people piggy back other players victories to get what they need . 

  3. OK i finally got it done . Seems it was glitched for some reason or some kind of lag to the server was causing the issue . Run it once spend about 10 mins and it should give you points . Next run try for the 30 mins . If you get that far then you are sorted it should give you the points necessary to get the mods .

  4. Been having the same problem as most here ran it a few times . First time i died and ran out of revives because i was with idiots who had low level weapons on . Second time i ran the guys bailed 29:32 we still had 80% oxygen . Third time i ran we stayed past 30 mins and we all survived . My score is still 0 . Going for another run now to see if it works this time but i wont hold my breath . I think a petition will be the most likely coarse of action for most . 

  5. Call of the kubrow quest completed but the game isnt recognizing that its done . I have the kubrow and leash but it still wont complete .




    When i try to log off i get a warning about loosing out on quest bonuses 



    Tried everything including running the same levels again hoping it would complete . PLS fix

  6. You won't be able to buy just a new video card for your laptop.  Laptops are not designed to have their graphics cards changed out 99% of the time.

    As rydian said . 99% of laptops cannot be upgraded by you , THey are either integrated cards or a a one off specialty graphics co processor that cannot be upgraded except for paying the manufacturer to do so . THe 1% of laptops that have that ability are very few and far between . and would cost and arm and a leg to buy . 


    My advice is to save up and build a PC for gaming and keep your laptop as is for other things . 

  7. It's called "support"

    Did you read above or did you just read the heading . Not trying to be smart but i dont think you read the post at all or on partially read it . Or your just been troll .  


     A simple button in the ui where you sell your frames weapons and so on would be nice . if you accidentally sold something you needed or wanted hit the buy back button . This is what i am on about . It would negate the need for support to get involved , instead of trawling people accounts to make sure they actually had what they say they had .  Its time wasted on support with something that could and should be available within the UI . 

  8. I think something like this is needed . 


    Many people here have gotten items they probably sold by accident . I made a huge mistake on my part the other day where i sold a prime warframe instead of its counterpart . To make things worse i did spends plat to rush the build . So now i am waiting on support . 


    With a simple BUY BACK option ingame i could have bought the sold warframe back there and then . Instead 3 days later i am waiting for support to answer my ticket . I have played a lot of other games which do allow you to buy back what you sold for a limited time usually until you log off . So items you sell in one session are only available to buy back for that session . I would make it cost more than what you received so people wouldnt abuse it . I could see people selling weapons and frames  just to build something , then run a quick mission to buy back what they sold . 


    I think this game needs something like that . IT would also alleviate stress from the support teams so they can help people with other important issues like game crashes and abusive players . 


    Of coarse let me make this clear , This would not be something available for trading between players . It would only be available for the ingame market not the trading system 

  9. hYDROID is fairly well balanced . His ultimate is not an insta kill on high levels like other frames . The trap ability is more of a hindrance to hydroid since it does no damage worth talking about . Its 1st ability is more likely to knock himself down than hit anything else . Especially if a branch is in the way .  


    Now hydroid is parched . Cry him some more tears so he can kill his thirst . 

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