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Posts posted by warframetenno1993

  1. Pyra sugatra goes nuts for some reason while in railjack. Black screen issue when using slingshot. Unable to enter turbine sites through doors. And some enemy fighters are literally immune to all kinds of damage. They regen like 1000000000 hp per milisecond.

  2. 39 minutes ago, PabloX732 said:

    well I can survive the grab animations, and you only die if you use the wrong word or if you stay in the grab range, it's not that difficult to avoid, pls this is the first time that a enemy can stand against me, don't ask for nerfs.

    By being forced I mean having to die in order to solve the puzzle. There is no way of solving the puzzle without dying. This forced death needs to be removed and replaced with something more engaging, creative and fun. In my opinion.

  3. 2 hours ago, Reiyd said:

    I have heard some outrage over the fact that Kuva Liches can steal relics and such, making it seemingly impossible to kill them. However, if you want to farm Requiem relics, you should remove their influence from the planet before doing Kuva Siphons or Floods, that way they do not steal your relics. Worst case scenario, if they have influence over the whole planet, wait a bit for the fortress to move and do Kuva missions on another planet.

    Just thought I would suggest this in case people hadn't realized!

    Even after I cleared the sector it still stole my loot 🙂 Yeah, working flawlessly.

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