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Posts posted by Tinderox

  1. I think this changes should make jade better while also making her fell more supportive.

    Light's judgement do not deal damage anymore. Allies under Light's Judgment buff, have a 10% chance to also apply Judgement.(Same % as Glory on high, also stack whit the % of glory on high)

    Judgement's damage vulnerability increase in 10%(For example) by the number of enemies marked under Judgement, up to 500%(base Banshee's sonar damage vulnerability)

    Killing an enemy under Judgement's debuff, extend Light's Judgement buff in 2 seconds.

    If in affinity range Jade cast  Ophanim Eyes, the allies under the effect recieve a copy of that ability whit the same duration as yours.

    Whit this augment make Jade have a niche that represents her power in lore, while also being a support. The more you buff your allies, the better damage jade can do beacuse it expand Judgement. The most Judgement is expanded the greater the damage vulnerability. Also give a slow and armor strip, making her a shield buffer, as intended,

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  2. hace 16 horas, Evycina dijo:

    I just think she needs some help. I want to feel like I'm not doing my team a disservice by bringing her rather than Wisp, yknow? I hope this feedback helps, and thank you for reading

    I understand you i recently post a review of how jade do not feal like a real support, and make a bandaid augment for her. The think that make jade pop is her passive judgement. No other support give damage vulnerability(equinox if you wanna think she is a support and not a nuker). But it is only 50%.

    Also the shield buff is nice, but if the enemies keep attacking you feels bad. it get less worse if you are fliying, or if the enemies are slowed, like whit her 3. So i make this...

    Augment name: Motherly love.(Working title)

    Ability affected: Light's Judgment.


    Light's judgement do not deal damage anymore. Allies under Light's Judgment buff, have a 10% chance to also apply Judgement.(Same % as Glory on high, also stack whit the % of glory on high)

    Judgement's damage vulnerability increase in 10%(For example) by the number of enemies marked under Judgement, up to 500%(base Banshee's sonar damage vulnerability)

    Killing an enemy under Judgement's debuff, extend Light's Judgement buff in 2 seconds.

    If in affinity range Jade cast  Ophanim Eyes, the allies under the effect recieve a copy of that ability whit the same duration as yours.

    Whit this augment make Jade have a niche that represents her power in lore, while also being a support. The more you buff your allies, the better damage jade can do beacuse it expand Judgement. The most Judgement is expanded the greater the damage vulnerability. Also give a slow and armor strip, making her a shield buffer, as intended,

  3. I have been playing jade since its release. The concept is very nice, but the performance of the frame as a support, is just bad. Why? (EDIT: Sorry for my english, it is not my first language)


    Where sacred light shines the song of life begins, as the shadow of time marches evermore toward deathly silence. As The Anointed, Jade possesses two passives:

    Access to 2 Aura mod slots in her Arsenal loadouts to assist herself and her squadmates.

    Enemies that enter Light's Judgment well and White Glory on High's primary fire at a 10% chance afflict enemies with the Judgements debuff as an overhead icon visual, applying 50% Damage Vulnerability lasting for 10 seconds. Enemies killed while debuffed by Judgments extends  Symphony of Mercy's duration by 2 seconds.
    Glory on High's Alternate Fire can detonate Judgments, with increased damage and range. Detonated Judgments have an increased 1.5x explosion radius while inside Light's Judgment.

    The passive is nice and Judgement is one of the two things in ker kit that jade play around.


    Light's Judgment

    Create a well of light that heals allies and hurts enemies. Those who enter the well will be highlighted by Judgments.

    This is the first ability i have a problem with. This ability heals, do damage, and also put judgement debuff on enemies. Is very nice to prime a area of enemies to deal damage whit Glory on high. It's not good as a support ability. 

    Let's compare it whit 2 other abilities of the most popular frame support. Citrine's Fractured blast and Wisp's Vitality Reservoir. Wisp Vitality reservoir gives you extra Max HP and a little health regen, to make you feel more tanky. Citrine Fracture blast, generate health orbs, that not only can heal, but are a more flexible resource thanks to the differents arcanes and mods, being able to give you healing, energy, armor and even max HP.

    Healing a %of max HP, dont get me wrong is amazing, Whit warframes that tank using health. A main nidus/Inaros is gonna love you when you regen half his max health per second. But health tanking is not the only method of tanking in this game, and is not even the one that jade uses.

    The 50% damage vulnerability is nice, but the only method to apply it is expending energy, beacuse you do not have Judgement whitout using Light's Judgment and/or Glory on High. 

    Is the lower damage vulnerability i know, tied whit equinox's rest & rage. But rest & rage can scale whit power strength. The most normal damage vulnerability is 100% being on nova, nezha. and yareli has a 200% damage vulnerability.


    Symphony of Mercy

    Cycle through three songs that strengthen allies. Power of The Seven increases Ability Strength. Deathbringer increases Weapon Damage. Spirit of Resilience increases Shield Effectiveness. Extend the duration of each song by killing enemies surrounded by Judgments.

    The main dish of the support kit of Jade. All her buff are nice in some way or another, and the Power of the seven, but creates the problem that all of the abilities in jade tend to be undertuned because you can get 400 to 500% power strength. Most of the allies now just get the enough powwer strength to make her abilities nice. Even the ones that need a lot of power strength, like pillage or Equinox's mend.

    And this buff cannot buff the other buffs in symphony of Mercy.

    Deathbringer: Is nice, is just a base damage buff, nothing crazy. Fits good with Wisp(Fire rate and attack speed) and Citrine(Status chance and crit chance). Synergize good whit Glory on high low base damage.

    Spirit of Resilience: The most controversial one of the bunch. The shield regen feels bad beacuse it not regen during shield gate window or during damage(this is just the base behavior of the system). Seems to work nice when you are again in Glory on High, when enemies are less likely of hitting you, or when enemies are slowed by Ophanim Eyes. This do not apply to other players, beacuse they do not have this abilities.


    Ophanim Eyes

    Jade summons an accusatory gaze that slows nearby enemies and dissolves their Shields and Armor. When the gaze falls upon allies, they can be revived from a distance.

    A defense strip is a support ability, A slow is a support ability. It is not when you are the only one using it. I know that the point of making it a cone is to not stop the flow of the missions like a high range gloom does. The 15% reduction is also nice. The % of defense strip is low beacuse is supposed to work and snapshot the power strength of Power of the seven

    It is in paper a very good ability. But feels underwhelming as a support ability. Is very easy fo tix it, let it be shared whit another players. Defense strip is a big deal in this game, and it will be the unique support that can defense strip in a meaningfull way. Also let Spirit of Resilience, fell more meaningfull, making shield tanking frames feel better.


    Glory on High

    Soar with destructive power. Use alternate-fire to detonate Judgments, causing an explosion of Jade Light. Enemies inside the Light's Judgment radius empower the explosion.

    The cherry on top of Jade, making her a DPS/Support hybrid frame. All the buffs previously explained, work very good whit this exalted form. It snapshot Power of the seven, it make you less likely to get hit since you are fliying, making better Spirit of Resilience, and the low base damage of the weapon, gets better under the effect of Deathbringer.

    Ophanim Eyes, is converted now into a circle since you are in the air.

    Enemies marked by Judgement, can be used as point of origin of your alternate dire, making it a nuke. Is nice. It almost work well.

    Let's make jade fill a litlle more supportive, and also giving her a niche.

    I suggest a augment(Yes, a bandaid augment mod, but let me explain first)

    Augment name: Motherly love.(Working title)

    Ability affected: Light's Judgment.


    Light's judgement do not deal damage anymore. Allies under Light's Judgment buff, have a 10% chance to also apply Judgement.(Same % as Glory on high, also stack whit the % of glory on high)

    Judgement's damage vulnerability increase in 10%(For example) by the number of enemies marked under Judgement, up to 500%(base Banshee's sonar damage vulnerability)

    Killing an enemy under Judgement's debuff, extend Light's Judgement buff in 2 seconds.

    If in affinity range Jade cast  Ophanim Eyes, the allies under the effect recieve a copy of that ability whit the same duration as yours.

    Whit this augment make Jade have a niche that represents her power in lore, while also being a support. The more you buff your allies, the better damage jade can do beacuse it expand Judgement. The most Judgement is expanded the greater the damage vulnerability. Also give a slow and armor strip, making her a shield buffer, as intended,


    Hope DE sees this and read it. How do you guys think of it??

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  4. Quick question. Were not suppose that Symphony of mercy, would take into account it own buff to power strength in the calculation of the other two buffs? Actually is do not doing that. I think i heard somehere that the ability do that whit the snapshot mechanic.

    I have discovered while playing also a new thing. Jade shield buff, is actually pretty great, but the shield delay decrease must be buffed from -10 to -20(So we can reach the capp of Shield delay at 400% power strength instead of the 800% that one must actually do to get that value). Is actually pretty great to generate 40% of your max shield in a sec. To make the comprobation put in your jade any mod that reduce shield delay and give it a try, suddenly this buff gets pretty good.

    And yes only the delay, not the actual value of shield recharge. we can in theory reach the 500% power strength, if the recharge value get to 20% base. It will break the game, an affinity range buff that regenerate all your shields under a second, will make any frame to tanky

  5. hace 7 horas, BionicFreak dijo:

    Symphony of Mercy: Jade's 2nd is very neat, but it does have an bug/flaw that needs to be fixed; it's duration increase per judgement-surrounded kill is not affected by Ability Duration, and it absolutely should be. Aside from that, it's third sub-ability, Spirit of Resilience, could use a buff. Currently, there is no incentive to use Spirit of Resilience. Changes needed.

    For could tale this ability seems to be bug beacuse do not correctly snapshot powerstrength. If you cycle between buff and a power strength buff disappears, the Symphony of mercy power strength buff and all the others buff actualize their power strength whit is a huge problem. This frame works under the thought of she can get and mantain very high power strength values. That is not happening.

    Also the shield buff should work as protea's shield ball.

    hace 7 horas, BionicFreak dijo:

    Base Defense Reduction being at 10%/s is pathetic and nowhere near the level of many other abilities that share the same function. With 200% Ability Strength, you'd have to look at an enemy for 5 seconds just to wipe it's armor. 5 seconds of sitting and staring at an enemy is just goofy. Most enemies are killed instantly, and the only ones that take longer to kill are the ones that are immune to 99% of Warframe abilities (Acolytes, Archons, Misc. Bosses, etc.). Again, this would not be an issue if Ophanim Eyes was a radial ability instead of a cone. I'd suggest increasing the base armor strip to 30-35% to make it useful.

    This is an example. Why the base defense reduction is a 10%, easy, beacuse you can in theory reach 300 or 400% in power strength and mantain it. This is not happening.


    hace 7 horas, BionicFreak dijo:

    Glory on High: Jades Exalted 4th, also known as the fun factor. I must admit, I'm a little biased on this ability. As someone who got access in 2012 and did not like the game much at all, only to return in 2016 with the release of Titania and find my first favorite Warframe, then 2 more years later finding my second favorite Warframe, Hildryn, I freely admit that I'm a sucker for #1 flying around and #2 Exalted Weapons. Jade is the perfect merge of Titania and Hildryn, so my bias levels are going off the charts. My one and only suggestion for this Warframe Ability would be the same suggestion I'd give for all other Exalted Weapons: add Exilus and Arcane slots, it would be greatly appreciated! No changes needed whatsoever, unless it's for adding Exilus and Arcane slots across all Exalted Weapons.

    That's it for my Jade overview and suggested improvements, I hope to reach one of the developers with this message. I also offer my apologies to anyone involved in the making of Jade's 3rd ability, as I was quite blunt about it's current state. I mean no offense, but it could certainly use a touch-up.

    Glory on high also has pretty low base damage, but again that works under the asumption you have like a 300%  to 400% damage multiplier from your buff. but if you swap to Deathbringer, then you actualize your buff's power strength, losing a lot (For example, is very easy to lose like 125% extra power strength in the buff. which will be a total of  65%. This is only using 60%(vome invocation grimoire)+40% (sling strength)+ 25%(growing power). Whit very little investment in term of  capacity, you can reach a lot of power whit jade. but not as  Symphony of Mercy is right now.

    What do you guys think Ophanim Eyes is a base duration ability instead of a channeled one. This way you can swap to power strength, cast it to have like 50% armor reduction per second. Go back to shield regen or weapon damage. 

    As and example of how much is hurting Symphony of mercy he playability of jade. 

    A jade equipped whit a grimorie whit vome invocation, Madurai sling strength maxed, growing power, molt augmented, molt vigor, and archon intensify, will have for a moment. (60+40+25+60+40+60), for a total of 385% power strength. This equal to, 96% extra power. 385% increase in weapon damage, and 38%  of your shield regen(Now image your whole squad recovering more than a third of your shield per second.).

    When all the temporal buff expired you can only have molt augmented, growing power, and archon intensify, for a total of 245% power strength, now adding the power strength buff 343%, for the rest of the mission.

    hace 7 horas, BionicFreak dijo:

    Base Defense Reduction being at 10%/s is pathetic and nowhere near the level of many other abilities that share the same function.

    Still low but the enemy defense will be stripped in 3 seconds.

    Glory on High will pass from having a 150 base damage to a 577 base damage, the alternative fire will go from 1500 to 5775 base damage. Making it a very good exalted weapon.

    Yeah, i think i made my point, the think that lags jade is Symphony of mercy, beacuse jade is make to work whit a rotating and snapshot buff, Today we only have a rotating buff. She is supposed to be a support but her buffs do not work as intended, Is she unusable in this state? No, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth of the players.


    hace 4 horas, Rozendeath dijo:

    Personally, my main concern is her energy economy, to just always stay in the air. Also, even with Adaptation, Aerodynamics and Aviator I just feel that her shields feel a little bit squishy. 

    I have been playing her. The energy concern could be alliviate be making her 1 have infinite duration equal as wisp motes. and instead of dealing damage proc and instance of fire status(that deal 1 damage) every X seconds. This should be fun. you can deploy up to 5 so you can cover a great area. Also judgement passive will sinergize really great whit the fire damage status effect.

    Right now their is little point on casting his 1st since it consume plenty of energy, do not cover, a lot of area and do not last long enough.

    This will also allow to run negative duration/ max efficiency builds on her whitout feeling a lost in utility/dps, and allowing to spam more glory alternative fire.

    hace 4 horas, Rozendeath dijo:

    I don't know your build, but I've modded Glory for enough Fire Rate, put Archon Vitality, and Viral, Heat, Radiation set up. Adding Arcane Avenger and Velocity, along with companion with bonds for crit and fire rate and the primary fire melts Steel Path with no issue.

    Glory is a good 4th, and like all her kit. it is suposse to have low damage beacuse you can snapshot power strength whit her second ability reaching easily 400% to 500% power strength( Do not snapshot pòwer strength if you swap buffs. getting stuck in only one buff).

    hace 5 horas, Rozendeath dijo:

    Also, even with Adaptation, Aerodynamics and Aviator I just feel that her shields feel a little bit squishy. 

    The Damage reduction of Gloty should be capped at 90% and/ or Symphony of Mercy shield buff should work similar as protea's shield recovery balls. The shield regeneration do not stop on damage. I have been able to reach 40% shield regen. Is a lot, and very nice to have, but is regeneration stop one you are hit, making that buff not great (Yeah i really think jade could be fixing doing by touching 2 abilities. the rest of the frame is really nice.)

  7. hace 26 minutos, PhiZero dijo:

    I have a feeling Symphony of Mercy was nerfed to not snapshot power strength, as in theory you could just rotate back to power strength for infinite scaling.

    Need to leave it to Pablo's magic fingers if it can be worked around.

    In theory shuld be easy. As of now Symphony of Mercy, recast herself wasting 0 energy when you rotate from buff to buff. This reset the power strength snapshot. It may bei solved if the ability turn on all the buff the time the ability is cast. and rotating the buffs only deactivates and activates buffs.

  8. I notice that Symphony of Mercy do not correctly snapshots power strength in the moment of the ability cast. Making the idea of a rotating, self sustaining buff inconsistent.

    For example- a 100% strength jade use grimoire alt fire to proc vome invocation, increasing power strength by 60%. Now whit a 160% power strength jade cast Symphony of Mercy. The buff correctly depicts a 160% increase weapon damage from Deathbringer. when cycling through the buff all seem normal until vome invocations power strength buff expires. The next time you rotate to any other Symphony of Mercy buff, the power strength of the ability restart. 

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  9. First of all, I love equinox, she is my favorite frame and i had played the 50% of my game whit equinox/ equinox prime.

    Peaceful provocation is a mod that grant extra power strength in day form, and up to 80% of speed movement and speed atack in enemies.

    The issue: Peaceful provocation discharge all her charges when the player swap forms, this makes equinox a not flexible frame, beacuse this aument whit pacify go to 0% when changed, and the 80% only can be archieved via enemy damage. This is really slow, beacuse the enemy is going to slow down itself.

    My Solution : 1) Make Night peaceful provocation start whit the half of the slow down effect.


                            2)Make the % shared whit both forms like energy transfer.


    This tweak Will unlock equinox in this type of build, making equinox more flexible whitout a buff itself. Equinox is not a tank, so this Will make viable a lot of new builds.


    Sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language

  10. I have a idea for change well of live. Change the subject.


    Well of live: Trinity heals allies and companions a % of the damage( before damage reduction) that Trinity recieve. Also Trinity become a Little more prioritary objetive for enemies. It scale in range, power strength and duration.

    I think that creates a good loop for Trinity. You active Well of live, and heal your team in a radius. Active Blessing and Link to increase damage reduction. And when your live down a lot active blessing, Repeat.

    That allows Trinity to be a better support/tank warframe.

    Sorry for my English, it is not my native language. 

    Thank you. 

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