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Posts posted by cojo200325

  1. On 2020-02-10 at 9:24 PM, Blobfish86 said:

    I liked the concept, very unique and exotic, when it make it to the game you aleady have a buyer 😄. Hope you can bring it to life soon.

    I think there's lots of tutorials in the forums and also on youtube teaching 3D stuff, and even some material specific for Tennogen. I'll see if i can find and bring here. (I also have no idea how to model in 3D, honestly, never tryed, but would be nice to learn, who knows, maybe i even attempt on some Tennogen too) 

    Thank you very much! I think I am going to look into 3d modeling soon so maybe this will hop onto ur screens sooner than I thought 

  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/189cd-L7mDWs0z8OQ5jBto-VmNdenhApF/view 


    This is my concept for a wisp alt helm or a tennogen piece, i honestly have no idea how 3D rendering works or how this would even make it into the game so any help would be greatly appreciated!! 


    Sorry guys! I turned link sharing off so now anyone with a link should be able to view it! If you guys have any ideas or comments please feel free to let me know!

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  3. it sucks because i love the weapon and its concept(although it makes wisp walk instead of float which is kinda making me mad) but this bug doesn't seem to be fixable by anything we can do in game, hopefully this gets fixed before break ends...

  4. 5 hours ago, XaoGarrent said:

    No longer converts energy on hit. Instead... Builds energy for each enemy YOU hit! This ability now returns 2/2/4/4% of total energy for each enemy you bowl into with Mach Speed.

    THIS IS A GREAT IDEA! getting energy for bowling over enemies would really help with the energy management of his abilities and let you cast all of his abilities more frequently.


    Building the gauge to 100 over redline eats up so much of the modded duration( i had 70 seconds on the ability and half of that time was used blowing through energy on mach rush to build the gauge to 100%) which takes you out of the fun and speedy style of Gauss. i don't think the speed of how fast you get to 100 should slow down the more duration you have but the opposite, instead decreasing maybe? or maybe reduce the gauge drain on his 4 as it becomes very hard to manage with enemies hitting you with kinetic plating active.


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  5. Charging his fourth ability above the redline eats up way too much time and the energy conversion on his 2 needs to be higher considering how energy hungry this frame is. The starting values of kinetic plating are way too low at 20% energy reduction and you can only get too 100 is by charging the battery seemingly only by spending loads of energy running with his first ability.

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