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Posts posted by (PSN)Selperun

  1. The scrolling Function is nice, but could you return the ability to use Buttons for selction purposes (eg Triangle for Modding the Frame or Square for FashionFrame). And I noticed that you cant press X to immediatly start the next Sortie-Mission, but have to use the cursor too, which is mildly inconvinient. And modding is also pretty inconvinient as I cant just press this or that button. Also, because of the cursor thing, responding to someone in Trade-Chat is now a little bit tedious too. I understand that the changes are just a step for the new UI, but overall the Navigation became a lot slower than before. And Tenno dont like to be slow. Anyways, I am looking forward for new Changes and the Sacrifice.

  2. vor 11 Stunden schrieb DarkExcalibur42:

    I wish 😞

    Can't build duplicate halls. This whole system is a real pain.

    If only DE allowed us to delete both parents AND child-components. I mean Computers can do it with directories, so whats the problem?

  3. vor 59 Minuten schrieb Vanarle:

    In order to remove that room you'd have to first remove all the larger clan halls. Its a complete pain to do.

    So your options are either leave the room or remake the dojo.

    Good luck

    But these are in the center. Cant I just build a greater hall elsewhere so i can remove the one we speak of?

  4. vor 4 Minuten schrieb Marine027:

    Unsure then, as Daziri stated you normaly can only delete the last room of a connection if it is not connected to anything else.

    Have you seen the imgur link? I can delete neither of these rooms

  5. So, I've got a Clan Hall and a Clan Great Hall. The Great Hall leads to a Dead-End and I want to destroy the Hall to make space for other rooms. But I can't destroy it, as it is "a prequisite for other components". And I cant destroy the Clan Hall, because it has Cross Connectors behind itself. How can i destroy them all?

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