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Posts posted by ACK-SYN

  1. DE, please address the issue wherein the waterfall visual effect covers the whole screen after failing a jumping puzzle in Grineer Sealab, rendering the mission unplayable.

    Here are a variety of other threads all describing the same problem:













    For reference, some threads contain videos and animations, while nearly all others contain images. Here is my own contribution to the image category:


    It's incredibly frustrating to just start a mission, then have to abort it immediately (or, as some other users described, go through a convoluted suicide pact) to remove a graphical glitch that renders the mission unplayable. I understand that one solution would be to simply pass the jumping puzzle on the first try or to never interact with it, but I feel like I should be able to experience all content in a mission without having flashbacks to the scene from Space Jam where Shaquille O'Neil does a "Spoonge Dunk" in his cameo and floods the whole court.

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