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Posts posted by (XBOX)ArcenDowne

  1. When I returned to playing warframe starting back at least a month or two ago, after a couple hotfixes, I have had many issues and bugs, mainly one in particular and another one that has happened on this date. During a mission, only when I am by myself (global or solo), when I have been killed I am not able to revive. I become stuck on the revive screen asking me to press A to revive myself and nothing happens. Mind you, the game is not frozen as enemies run across the field. This has happened numerous times on free roam missions and thought it was a glitch there, but then it happened to all of my other missions as well. This is has become a major issue when I have tried to farm toroids, and lose all of them because a bug won’t let me revive. I can still get up from being downed though, just not when i have been completely killed. 

    I have had another bug today that did not allow me to collect my riven reward. I had played a 5 round defense mission on Hydron, with the help of three others who i don’t know but were very helpful. After completing the mission with no damage to the defense item and the proper dragon key equipped, the mission showed that I had completed the defense and showed the affinity gain at the bottom of the screen. When i returned to my orbiter, I was not greeted by the greatness of Cephalon Samodeous, and my new pistol riven, nothing happened. I waited a minute and still nothing happened so I checked my mods, and there it was again. Can someone explain to me why these bugs are happening, both are ruining my fun and gameplay experience and honestly have made me just quit warframe for some time just to return later to deal with these bugs?


    Edit: I just realized that I called it Non-Revival when I meant no revival, my bad.

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