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Posts posted by CalebQuincy

  1. Is it possible for us to, let's say, queue multiple instances of a restore consumable for a minute and get the desired quantity immediately instead of having to wait for a minute on a stack of 10? 

    Seems like a minor, but a desirable QoL improvement with regards to it.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. mhm.  I do.  I'm referring to the elitism part.

    No need to get all uppity.

    The elitism, as mentioned in the first post, is tied to the context of being in his own lobby / game.

    If you do read, then I'm not sure why you're taking that part exclusively and elaborating from there. It is irrelevant.

  3. Can you just mod the darn thing with elementals already.

    I dunno why you're comparing damage when most of us are already yelling about its status chance.

  4. Missed from the notes or not, that's just a $&*^ move, and a cheap way to artificially prolong the playtime.

    I can only assume that the ramparts were supposed to be a challange, rather than an annoyance.

    The change will make Ramparts be a more significant threat now. Previously any weapon with innate / additional Punch-through could easily take down any enemy unfortunate enough to be using it.

  5. Feels underwhelming to me. 


    Performs somewhat like a Corpus version of the Phage, except that it sports Physical Damage (mainly Slash) instead of Viral. May be good depending on one's reception in this aspect.

    Alternative firing for this weapon feels absolutely pointless though...

  6. *Throws text into google translate*

    Have just again on Neptune tries to make Level the new Deff .But this turned out there as äuserst unpleasant because the enemy already reached the level 100+ from shaft 18 which is pretty hard. Comparisons I have to survive this with the usual pods ( boats ) here to wenieg life it's pretty hard to keep both because they are quickly destroyed extremm .  What do you think of it and how it finds it the the Thumper the Elytron are different now ?


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