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Posts posted by Unrelenting

  1. These are interesting ideas. Like the Harvester, though, there would, I think, need to be a lore event to set up the introduction of these things. The Grineer Deadshot could be some sort of Grineer Assassin hired out by Vay Hek after the Cicero event, but I don't know what would prompt this kind of Infested creature to start roaming about.

     how about random mutations? it kinda is the infested's "thing".

  2. 1. Enemies.


    a. Frontier Regulator, both regulators have this name maybe rename the old one to "Arid Regulator"?

    b. Frontier Heavy Gunner, Uses the Arid skin on her Gorgon.


    Own Thoughts: Seekers, regulators, powerfists, electric/lobber crawlers among others are all fairly rare, much rarer than some of the 10 scans for completion we have today, shouldn't the scans they require be a reflection of the rarity they have?


    2. Objects.


    a. Control consoles, There's currently 2x entries named control consoles. Maybe rename them into "Corpus" and "Grineer" respectively.

    b. Cant scan the "Cicero injector" past 1/20 scans. In Elimination mode.

    c. There's 2x entries for "Storage container".


    3. Mods


    a. Leaked mods which is unreleased are still listed in released mods, maybe make a subsection for "upcoming mods".

    b. Many mods which are released aren't listed, among them "Primed chamber"

  3. Yeah, I agree with method of fixing the Brakk and the statements made about mechanics. There are a lot of things about damage 2.0 that simply don't make sense to me. I think you over-nerfed the Brakk, given how difficult (read: time consuming) it was to obtain. It's also relatively exclusive. The delay in this nerf was far too long, imo, for there to be such a drastic change to the mechanics of the gun. I could see reducing the base damage a bit, but this damage falloff kinda sucks.



    I was one of those persons who ran 100+ missions.


    As much as I hate to admit it, you are probably right with your first point.


    I Forma'd my Brakk once. That's all I needed to put it from "Awesome" to "This is Disgusting!" I quit using my Brakk because it felt like I was cheating. The gun still does more damage than a fully modded Strun Wraith! It deserved to be nerfed, maybe not with damage falloff, but for Pete's sake, it's about time it got made a little more balanced! Brakk is more disgusting than the original version of Quick Thinking + Rage, in my opinion.


    As for the wasted time many people are complaining about: You got an exclusive sidearm that not everyone can get. You got another 3k towards your Mastery. You didn't even know what the stats of the Brakk were going to be when you were running those 100 missions. DE could easily have nerfed it down like this before the Brakk was given out and no one would have been the wiser, and we still would have had an insanely OP sidearm and probably been just as happy with the gun we got. 


    DE needs to do more balancing, actual balancing. NOT Nerfing! NOT Buffing! Balancing. I don't feel like what has happened with the Brakk is entirely fair, but I think it does bring it closer to being balanced without actually destroying it. Here's what I would considered balanced:

    1. All the frames are mediocre AND all the weapons are super amazing

    2. All the frames are super amazing AND all the guns are mediocre

    3. Both Warframes AND Weapons are slightly above average.

    4. (I like this one the best) Warframes and weapons have superior capabilities in the right situation, but cannot function perfectly in all situations. You pick the right tools for the job or work with others to cover your weaknesses.


    DE, you don't seem to be consistent in what sort of vision you do have for the game. The roller coaster of buffs and nerfs and tweaks has left me completely unable to tell what you are going for. I do understand that if something is horrifically unbalanced, you need to make a large change to figure out where the ballpark numbers are, but it feels like you are just using "solutions" that you can implement easily, rather than ones that may take longer, but ultimately fix the real problem. I'm not saying this is what you are actually doing, but this is what it feels like to me.


    Here's another thing: You have created a Design Council for a reason! Why not say "Hey guys, we've figured out that the Brakk is OP. We've decided we need to ratchet it's power down a few notches. Which of these three ways should we use to do so? A. Damage Falloff (10-20m) B. Weight the Damage towards impact and increase spread. C. Reduce the base damage by X amount." At the very least, players could pick which options are the most appealing when it comes to neutering the Frames/Weapons we collectively favor most. (Note: This is just an opinion, not a statement of fact.)


    Also, why does everyone keep calling it a hand cannon? It doesn't shoot hands at all.





    Direction of the game? think mr. magoo out driving... in bat country

  4. So i have a mod that only dropped through transmutation for a few hours. Best offer wins, sad offers are looked down upon. Happy bidding! Remember it's not about stats... it's about the bling...



    Heres the wiki!




    Frost Insulation Uncommon Aura mod

    Unranked: Reduced damage from freeze attacks.  +0.3 DAMAGE RESISTANCE.

  5. The event was boring at best and since it lasted for a whole week... if it didnt burn players out it sure made them appreciate the afk game. I ,myself did afk a few matches and went for a smoke.... but public games are just THAT.... pug's! what do you expect?

    If you're tired of Pug's join a clan and get to know a few good players and create dedicated groups for running content! not to go offtopic.... but i hate nova rushers and vauban bouncers more than the afk'ers since they are actively destroying my pug sessions.

  6. "Instead of each "pill" giving 2x resources, could you instead double the chances of a pill dropping?"


    That doesn't quite make sense. Say Orokin Cells have 1/10 drop rate, and Nano Spores are the 9/10. If you double the chances of a pill dropping, it would be 2/10 Cells and 18/10 Nano Spores which just doesn't add up. Even if you doubled the denominator to 2/20 and 18/20, you'd still get the same ratio mathematically.


    "Reduce the chances of common materials everybody has in excess (Nano Spores, Ferrite) and increase the drop chances on Rare Materials (NEURODES!!!!)."


    Okay I can agree with this.


    Well ofcourse it makes sense when you yourself come up with a magic number and then go using bogus math on it? 

  7. We saw him wearing a very cool skin and mesh this event... when can we expect to actually get to shoot him down when hes Ruk the Truck? I myself hope it's before the end of the year...

  8. sweet spots don't exist, it's personal preference based on what people are most willing to do.


    the 'resource / minute' from bosses, survivals, and defenses, aren't very different from each other. 


    sometimes (in general, not just in the past two days), spending 30 minutes in a Survival is 10 or more of a Rare Resource, sometimes it's 0.


    what im saying is that the probability of 16 people all of a sudden getting nothing when they used to be rewarded with something after a alteration probably could be answered with that the alteration is the cause? now stop being such fan bois.... its annoying

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