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Posts posted by ShadowZealot7

  1. Any chance of getting a weapon augment to re-add the Caustacyst's slash proc? Seems like it would fit nicely with Red Veil's arsenal :)

    Also, any plans to create alternate versions of Infested weapons, like the Wraith and Vandal variants?  

    Lastly, who won the melee weapon contest a few months back?!?!?!?

  2. Sooooo Stockpiled Blight?

    I don't see why that even became a mod, the kunai's only saving grace is that I never ever felt like reloading was a problem. On top of that, the kunai are just boring weapons to begin with in my opinion. Anyway, rant aside, I think that the augment mods should all either save a weapon from being terrible by adding damage or utility stats or add a useful extra effect. 

    Not really a concept, but I think they should have made the new Red Veil augment a Caustacyst augment to re-add its original slash proc. Thoughts?

  3. So, channeling. Out of the three support stats, it barely qualifies. While Status and Crit are both viable and both have weapons whose stats are dedicated to them and mod which make crit and status build usuable at high levels, channeling really has neither. On top of that, channeling requires you to sacrifice energy to gain a pathetic amount of bonus damage, usually only a 50% increase unmodded.


    -Channeling  has no ingame build support. All weapons have the same channeling cost and damage, aside from three or four weapons with a 1.8 channeling multiplier. DE should go back and tweak every weapon's channeling numbers, which could possibly make some unused weapons more viable via making them channeling-focused weapons rather than just weapons with terrible crit and status. Looking at you, Fang Prime.

    -Channeling mods are AWFUL. I mean seriously, you already have to sacrifice 5 energy for every hit. Why do the majority of channeling mods increase this when you can deal absurdly high damage with a critical build for NO energy?

    Some Easy(ish) Fixes

    -Now, I know it may be a bit pretentious to say these could be easy changes, but channeling could at least be made viable with some number tweaking.

    1. Change weapon base channeling stats. Give weapons varied channeling stats. This would make it feel like certain weapons may be worth investing into as channeling weapons. Cost to channel could vary from 1-10 energy per swing and damage multiplier could vary from 1.5-5x damage. 5x might seem like a lot, especially when the highest base crit multiplier is around 3x, but red crits make that number skyrocket, so I don't personally feel that it would be 'overpowered.'

    2. Change the mods. Most of them are worthless.

         Corrupt Charge- Add additional ranks to the mod.

         Focused Defense- Remove efficiency penalty. The use of the mod slot and the basic channeling cost more than makes up for its effect. Additionally, I would make it provide a flat 400 armor. This makes it more useful for many warframes where 20% armor is pretty much nothing.

         Quickening- Remove efficiency penalty, I would change it into something like berserker where channeling kills increase attack speed temporarily.

         True Punishment- Remove efficiency penalty, buff critical chance to +60%

         Enduring Strike- Remove efficiency penalty

         Reflex Coil & Focus Energy- Nerf the efficiency reduction a little bit to compensate for the lack of 

         Parry, Life Strike, Reflex Coil, Focus Energy, Dispatch Overdrive, Enduring Affliction, Killing Blow are unchanged.


    Proposed New Stuff

        Energy Channel- Change Energy Channel into a channeling mod; ON ABILITY CAST: channeling is free for a short time.

        New Mods-

              Permeating Strikes- +80% reach while channeling

              Energy Leak- 80% of energy used for channeling is distributed to allies within 20m.

              Poisoned Soul- Status procs while channeling temporarily increase status damage and duration.

              Cleansing Soul- Kills while channeling remove one status effect from nearby allies (including yourself)

              Chaotic Soul- Critical hits while channeling have a chance to inflict a random status effect on the target.

              Attractive Pulse- Jump attacks while channeling draw enemies toward you.

              Explosive Trance- A percentage of damage taken while channeling is converted into an explosion that occurs when the player ceases channeling. Parried and blocked damage counted before the mitigation, as is counted as double for the purpose of this mod.


    -Frankly, channeling right now is useless and boring. Interesting utility mods and increasing channeling's effectiveness as a whole is necessary. How do you think channeling could be improved?




  4. Faction: Infested

    Stance: Claws

    Brief Description:  The Amyplagas gathers 'awakening' stacks every time it lands a hit while channeling. Every stack supplies significant bonus reach (~10-20% /stack), viral damage (~5% /stack), and channeling efficiency (8% /stack), maxing out at ten stacks, rewarding the user for feeding the swarm within it energy. The stacks begin to decay/ disappear after 7 seconds. While channeling at ten stacks, the warframe's highlights spew infested ichor along with the usual effects. The Amyplagas is designed to be a powerful Status/Channeling weapon.

    Damage Types: Puncture/Slash

    Important Stats:  -Low Critical

                                 -High Status Chance

                                 -Increased Channeling Damage



  5. So much awesome stuff! Can't wait for U15 ! Suggestion for the Void Wizard's name- some variant of the word "umbra"- the science term for the darkest part of a shadow. Thought it might be appropriate for a Void Wizard

  6. Name: Infested Breeder


    Behavior: The Infested Breeder is a squat, but surpisingly nimble infested that maneuvers with it tentacles and can walk on walls and floors, and usually accompanies charges by other infested to provide medium range support- the breeder is fairly resilient, starting with high element resistance that is reduced as it slings the eggs on its back- (although it wil grow more eventually). High armor, though is always a consideration when fighting Breeders, and puncture damage is suggest to maximize killing time.


    Attacks: The Breeder attacks primarily at medium range by using its two rear tentacles to hurl colored eggs (red, blue, green, or white) at Tenno that latch on to them and do medium DoT damage split between puncture, slash, and impact. the eggs can be shot off or rolled of with 5-7 rolls. After 5-10 seconds, however, they will hatch into infested progeny (colored versions of those flies that swarm around infested palettes in packs), which deal additional elemental damage depending on the color egg they hatched from. these progeny stay with the Tenno indefinitely or until rolled of with 3-5 rolls, or shot of with ignis. when out of eggs, the breeder attacks with impact damage via its tentacles.


    Environment Restrictions: The Breeder can cling to walls or floors, and appear in any infested mission- (especially nightmare or high level).


    Reference Picture: Please excuse my terrible art...


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