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Posts posted by SIINN

  1. There are several hallways/connectors to choose from when constructing your dojo:

    (a) cross connector, t-shaped connector, elbow connector

    (b) straight hallway, extended straight hallway

    The problem I have is purely based on aesthetics. I use several of each but the width of the hallways for group (b) is so much thicker than that of group (a). I assume it would be a super simple fix to just have any hallway/connector have a consistent width.  There are nodes where an elbow connector or t-shaped connector needs to connect to another connector via a straight hallway. And then it just looks bad - narrow hallways, then a short fat thick hallway leading to another narrow hallway. It throws of the symmetry and overall design.  This is also a problem with the extended straight hallways


  2. Instead of Twitch drops (apparently the kinks are not worked out enough) you should just display a redeemable code for anyone watching the stream and only have it usable for a set time frame. Those watching could easily redeem the code once it's there. If you're not watching, you probably would never have seen the code nor logged in to redeem during that time. 

    Either that or fix the issues with Twitch drops. 

  3. I'm just adding my name to the list. I watched the entire Live stream. I was watching for a few hours prior to that as well. My twitch account was linked to warframe (I have Trinity Prime) and I checked that everything was set up properly.

    I hope that you fix the issue. I really want to try out Ash Prime! 😉

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