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Posts posted by PlanCakes

  1. Hello, itsa me again. I want to ask if there are other ways to get forma (or at least the components of it,I have the Blueprint but am lacking a neural sensor to build) , argon crystals and neural sensors. I'm trying to grind for the Nikana , but I'm still way too low leveled to get to places like the Kuva Fortress , Jupiter or the T3 Void missions to farm.The furthest I've progressed is at Hepit in Void , and Mercury. Can I farm neural sensors, argon crystals and formas somewhere else more easily accessible to newbies like me, or is there really no choice but to run missions until I reach those places?


  2. Hi guys! I've only started playing Warframe a few days ago , but I'm really into the game. Any helpful tips and guidance? I've been looking around the chat and forum and I've noticed people talking about combos? And Formas? That kind off stuff? I'm abit lost here. I wanna know whats the best weapons for beginner Excalibur users , know more about the clan system (the codex still left me confused) , what are Slash, Puncture,Impact damage and all those elemental damage , and what are builds etc.

    Also, I've been looking around , and I encountered this awesome looking weapon. It's called the Nikana Prime, and I want to grind towards it. But then I did even more research and I found out that its relics are locked? What does that mean? Are the components unobtainable?

    Thanks! I'd really appreciate you guys' help!

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